Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hey Dick?

  • Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) says his sole focus in Congress is making sure illegal aliens are given amnesty to remain permanently in the United States.

    In comments on Monday, Durbin said it is illegal aliens, not his Illinois constituents, who he is working “full time” and around the clock for.
You serve....SERVE....the citizens of the State of Illinois. For a sitting US Senator to acknowledge that he is ignoring the laws of the United States and forsaking his sworn duty to the citizens who elected him means it's time for Dick to Depart.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This platypus looking Senator should have been voted out long ago but this is Illinois.

1/17/2018 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How’s about we make a deal, like the one the democrats made with Reagan by in the 1980s... illegals get amnesty = the USA gets its wall built from sea to shine sea... but NO, like the 80s dems will says yes, but after amnesty is given, no wall will be built... so I say no wall, no amnesty.... it only works one way the Democrats... I can live without a wall, and I am 100% ok with asshole felons in jail be deported. For some reason assholes in jail on deportation lists bother democrats

1/17/2018 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s too bad this dickhead isn’t up for re-election because any opposing candidates could use this against him. This is why we need term limits. Wasn’t that a Rauner campaign point, term limits?!! Too bad that goof has already conceded that Mike Madigan is in control, and he isn’t. Retirement and fleeing this shithole can’t come soon enough.

On an entirely different subject...earlier this afternoon the Scum Times has a headline about minority hiring. It was prominently high up on the home page. A few hours later, it was no longer in big, bold letters, but way down in the “Watchdogs” section. Just another shit hitpiece of how Whitey is taking all the jobs, but the city wants the hiring to be more on par with the complexion of the populace. Beale even says the psych test is biased to eliminate blacks. As SCC would say, un-un-fucking-believable. Maybe even a 3rd “un” is needed. This entire country has gone ass-fucking-backwards.

1/17/2018 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dicks policy is... I will give away so much free shit to people-- get elected, then be more of a dick to the tax payer by completely ignoring them. Wtf

1/17/2018 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right to a core SCC- Durbin is lost and always was. He has done shit for us Illinois stooges. I remember old Sen. Everett Dirksen, a man of honor who took well care of us residents. Even Richard J and George Dunne were in this corrupt city and down to state would be considered saints. Eddie Burke' dad was the same way. Took well care of all its citizens.

Edger and Ogilvie were prime examples of honest Governors. We had Republican sheriff' (Woods and Ogilvie) and county board presidents. All played nice together.

That generation of public servants are old history . Durbin and Tammy have down shit for the middle class person. Kirk, the last senator was useless also. Durbin needs to do our bidding and let the 3rd. and 4th. world countries go to Italy or England, they love the crime rates hitting the roof.

Old Harold Washington would of never let the city turn to shit and he knew to keep the crime far away from $$$.

Us old and tired retired guys are fortunate to have worked aa department that ran quite well with minor bumps in awhile. Rahm and the ACLU and his commie friends are no friends of legit people. Not to many members of the tribe, past and present had good things to say about Rahm. He fucked the late Dean Bernie Stone. Old man Daley had to do a roll on that one.

Sorry to hear Rahm' and his hyde park buddy' date club on North Clark street closed down. If the walls could talk there !

1/17/2018 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The time for Ill-noize to grow some balls and go Dick-less is long overdue.

1/17/2018 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he should be charged with treason.
This is no longer amusing.

1/17/2018 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is a US Senator openly going against the laws on illegal immigrants not a f'ing crime ???

1/17/2018 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pandering fool. But of course the only way we will ever get rid of this crook is if by some miracle someone in the press digs up dirt on him or his wife who of course is a lobbyist. Its all legit

1/17/2018 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) says his sole focus in Congress is making sure illegal aliens are given amnesty to remain permanently in the United States"

Well dick, then why have a border at all ???

1/17/2018 12:43:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

I will personally place Dicky in cuffs once given the nod Jeff Sessions' DOJ has filed charges or issued the warrant.

1/17/2018 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired CPD in Oklahoma says...

Durbin is a asshole. This is why IL. is floating in the shithole they call IL.

Just another of the infamous democrat to crawl from the cesspool of Il. this leftest tool is nothing more but a lair, scoundrel, corrupt, leftest tool. Another self made millionaire only job he had is a political hack. He is in fear they want to replace him with the PC Zoop.

Only way a good democrat is removed from office, by death or a jail term.

So happy I left that dam state with the evil slugs in office.

Stay safe...
Stay Fetal...

...and fuck you rahm you sawed off punk.

1/17/2018 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/17/2018 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the Dick, Durbin that is, how you really feel. At his website: is for a direct email it even has a drop down box for immigration, can you imagine that! His office in this $hithole Chicago is at 230 S Dearborn suite 3892 ph 312 353-4952 fax 312 353-0150

1/17/2018 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He knows Illinois voters will keep voting for him. The Republican Party is part of the Democrat party in Illinois, look at Rauner.

1/17/2018 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are ticked off at Durbin. has over seven thousand commenters so far.

1/17/2018 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It Was time for DICK to depart long ago.

1/17/2018 02:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a Dick!

1/17/2018 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats what happens when you become a RICH, DIRTY ass, you think you are untouchable politician in this country.

1/17/2018 02:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the legal, voting Democratic families of every illegal migrant will vote to keep him in office, unless those with respect for the law and the Constitution outvote them.

1/17/2018 03:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin has never, repeat NEVER, advocated on behalf of American citizens. This is what you get when you vote democrat!

1/17/2018 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a dick......

1/17/2018 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick "Head" Durbin, another reason for term limits.

1/17/2018 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always voted against this goof!

1/17/2018 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell me this is fake news? Never voted for the guy but you would have to be a Traitor to make statement like that. Vote him out hell throw him out.

1/17/2018 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sitting Senator wouldn't know what full time work was if his life depended upon it. This cluck needs to be voted out. Try a republican what have you got to lose? More illegal means lots more welfare winch means even higher taxes which will cause more taxpayers to leave which leaves those left holding the blank check. Only option is vote these tools out.

1/17/2018 05:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin might need the psych exam that Trump passed with flying colors. Clear sign of early onset dementia if he doesn't know what his job is, or who are his constituents.

1/17/2018 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote Republican

1/17/2018 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His sworn duty, what a joke. His only dye is to get reelected and to line his pockets with as much as he can get his fat little fingers on. Just another machine democrat practicing the Chicago Way on a national level. So proud.

1/17/2018 05:45:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

More Bizarro World. He lied about what President The Donald said in the infamous meeting. He's lost it, just like Dart.

1/17/2018 05:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick is an empty suit but he is the perfect candidate to represent this state. Think about the kinds of people who vote for people like Durbin to represent them and you wonder why more and more voters are casting votes with their feet?

1/17/2018 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ever listen to WVON you'll find that AA citizens are none to happy. Callers have expressed that they believe black neighborhood's are losing services in favor for brown. Watch out DICK, those black votes you count on so much are about to go away.

1/17/2018 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous incorrigible deplorable said...

with a comment like that. what does it take
to give this mental case the boot from office?

1/17/2018 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lock him up, the treasonous bastard. M.A.G.A.

1/17/2018 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pot must be continually stirred, least the contents begin to lose their semi fluid consistency.

This consistency is vital, as the contents of the pot become highly sensitive to the slightest friction when approaching a state of solidity.

Bile must be added, at a judicious rate, to assure this semi fluid state does not become fully fluid, as this would result in the contents of the pot creating heat, which would then result in the pot boiling over, thus, rendering the contents uncontrollable to the goal of shaping the contents via the chosen purpose for which they have been concocted. Also, being as the contents, by their nature, are inherently toxic, especially in their fully liquidfied state, those tasked with the stirring find themselves, understandably, in a constant state of vexation.

The stirring of the contents of the pot, by those who have been successful in keeping the semi fluidity at adequate levels, thus preventing both the perilous solidifying and the toxic, uncontrollable liquidization and resultant overflowing, find that their task has been rendered more difficult these days, by the intrusion into their pot stirring profession of........MAGA.

MAGA recognizes the pot for what it is, the contents for what they are, the stirring staff for who they are and the purpose of this asshole endeavor for what it is intended to be.

Thus, MAGA, surveys the situation, assesses the probable results of various considered methods, with the intent to, in order of importance:

1. Render the contents of the pot inert; neither toxic nor perilous.

2. Induce the once rendered inert contents to accept and embrace a variety of much less toxic, perilous and just plain dumbass qualities of it's constitution, thus transforming itself into the opposite of what it once was.

3. Those portions of the contents of the pot who choose to respond to inducement will find themselves freed of being stirred, freed from having bile, and other less savory fluid additives, poured on them, over them and into them. Freed from the confinement of the pot.

4. Those contents of the pot who insist upon remaining within the pot, awaiting their stirring, bile diluting, with the occasional urine chaser, and such, will find, as MAGA progresses, a noticeable reduction of those who once enthusiastically stirred.....

5. Those who remain to stir what contents have chosen to stay in the pot......well......they will be having quite the time of it.....stirring, not too vigorously, as the reduced contents have become more difficult to keep semi fluid, adding bile, until the supply of bile dwindles, then urine, which also peters out, due to the sweat pouring from all pores of the franticly stirring meatheads, taking solace in the unlikely possibility of toxic, full fluidity overflowing, but now resigned to the inevititable solidifying and it's promise of not ending on a high note......

As for the most stubborn areas of pot stirring.....MAGA concludes that, if they insist, well.....there's always the rising of the oceans or sinking of the fleas to look forward to.....

1/17/2018 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberal Wacko with pockets lined with our cash.

1/17/2018 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And...He keeps getting elected year after year. What a shame.

1/17/2018 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God how I these Libtarded liberals. Wake the Phruq up people and VOTE these PUKES out of office already......

1/17/2018 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SCC!!!! Why is that concept so hard to understand?

I think the media/liberals intentionally refer to Deferred Action as “DACA” to minimalize, or distance themselves from the point that it was in fact DEFERRED ACTION. I’m reading feel-good stories about how long people have been here, so we should just let everyone stay because they are accustomed to this lifestyle now. Well yes, and that sucks- but they were here u Det the pretenses of DEFERRED action, meaning that action was coming one day, unless they could arrange legal status. Why is that such a hard concept to understand?

If you were here knowing you were here under Deferred Action, and the government decides systematically that it’s tine to systematically close out the delayed cases, and it’s tine for you to go- if think a “thank you” for the time you got to spend her is in order. That does NOT make the United States a bad guy.

1/17/2018 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A United States Senator has the power to write and pass laws and Dicky Durbin does not understand the rule of law but the socialists in this state continue to re elect this slug. This is a madhouse. ♠️

1/17/2018 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an asshole! Has the asshole ever done anything for the citizens of the United States?

1/17/2018 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote Republican MAGA fuck Illinois

1/17/2018 06:47:00 AM  
Blogger Insane Fish said...

it's time for Dick to Depart.

Was that a typo? Deport

1/17/2018 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is such a traitorous piece of trash. He is only concerned about new voters but at the same i feel if his constituents were smart enough they’d vote for anyone else now. Dick is another prime example of what’s wrong with Illinois.

1/17/2018 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick head has been involved in Illinois politics over forty years. Is Illinois a better place because of dick? Dick head should resign.
How about we picket dick head's office. Has dick head ever done anything to restore full social security benefits to retirees? Time for dick head to move on. Just another draft dodging idiot.

1/17/2018 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems most politicians care more about illegals than actual citizens.

1/17/2018 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arrest him and those like him now!

1/17/2018 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get smart Illinois vote Republican

1/17/2018 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankfully I'm not the only one that stopped in his tracks when he heard that statement. Unless there's some special interest group out there footing the bills for this mealy mouthed piece of poop, he is paid by the taxpayers of Illinois, not some bunch of Gutierrez rabble rousers. Time to say goodbye to this useless POS

1/17/2018 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senator Durbin calls President Trump a racist. What do you call a politician who is a member of a political party that runs a state, county, and city that rules while the slaughter of minorities goes on year after year? Where children in public schools often fear a trip to the bathroom. Where women are assaulted on a daily basis. Where the politicians grow rich exchanging access for cash.

1/17/2018 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick Durbin has not done squat for the citizens of Illinois in over a decade. Can anyone give a example of one time that Durbin used his power to influence funding or a project that benefitted the citizens of Illinois? This time he is throwing it in his constituents faces that he doesn’t care and does nothing for them.. I bet he gets re-elected by a landslide.

1/17/2018 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who votes for this POS?

1/17/2018 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You serve....SERVE....the citizens of the State of Illinois. For a sitting US Senator to acknowledge that he is ignoring the laws of the United States and forsaking his sworn duty to the citizens who elected him means it's time for Dick to Depart.

Dicky needs to be thrown under the jail...

1/17/2018 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick is a dick and should look up the definition of ILLEGAL

1/17/2018 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its amazing he ever got re elected.

i can say the same about most illinois politicians............

1/17/2018 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cum'on guys, serving the citizens of Illinois or any other state is now highly problematic for all the Nazicrat politburo elite.

Basically, you dumbass Dem's are no longer "politically reliable" enough or "politically dependable" enough to be worthy of an elite nazicrat's representation.

All politician's want to win office & STAY in office on there. Most rock stars, rap stars, movie stars, sports stars don't make diddly-squat compared to what yer ave Sen or Congressman, big city mayor, city council slots, can pull down especially when the thick manila envelops crammed full of tax-free 100s start being passed & passed fervently. Politics is the best job in the world. You don't even have to "deliver the goods" if you can "talk the talk" good enough.

So you long-time sleazocrats are Not Worthy of your nazicrat representation so you're being replaced by more politically reliable & dependable Voters, the mass tsunami of illegals mainly from the shit-hole Mexico who will be made "voting" citizens within a few months or years & then they'll be allow to chain their families in & everybody will be sooooooooo grateful to their Nazicrat political maestro's

We see it in Europe, we see it here. When a people is no longer worthy of magnificient leftish leadership that the actual "people" not the leadership are going to be changed

This idea of importing a "new people" to "represent" originated about 30 or so years ago with the Labor Party over in Britain & since it solves a global socialist power problem it's spread everywhere that leftists hold political power

1/17/2018 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No kidding. The Dem’s say they’ll let the US government shut down with no agreement on the illlegal immigrant bill. So basically “they” are now “more important” then everyone else in this country and we should all suffer because they “chose” to break the law. I’m really sick and tired of every buddy demanding shit they don’t deserve while I go to work everyday follow the rules and laws and pay taxes. Taxes that are used to pay for all of these giveaways. And the Dem’s wonder how Trump got elected. Well guess what folks, he’s going to got elected for a second term.

1/17/2018 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said it best yesterday. Dick (Les) Durbin.

1/17/2018 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick just fighting for the common man. That's why his wife and son are both lobbyist's No personal gain for this devoted man or his family. He was Obama's number one suckass. He is a big reason whyIl. Is a shithole. Thanks you mope faced dick.

1/17/2018 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI..Durbin was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for a seat in the Illinois State Senate in 1976. He unsuccessfully ran for Lieutenant Governor in 1978. In 1982, Durbin won the Democratic nomination for the now-eliminated 20th congressional district, which included most of Springfield. He scored a huge upset, defeating 22-year incumbent Paul Findley. As part of the decennial redistricting process, Findley's district had been redrawn to include more Democrats.

Sounds like a real winner.. Had to redraw district lines to finally get elected, couldn’t win a election legitimately. POS, typical democrat.

1/17/2018 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick ain’t goin NOWHERE, except maybe to the whitehouse after the next presidential election.
People are either STUPID or morbidly COMPLACENT .
Pick your poison.

1/17/2018 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Kass is a direct descendant of the Greek who told the Persians how to get behind the Spartans at Thermopole,

1/17/2018 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick serves his Globalist Masters.
You peons who vote for him don't count.

1/17/2018 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Retired peace officer said...

This piece of s*** couldn't even carry his own District. Remember what Durbin called our troops Nazis compared to Nazi soldiers.

1/17/2018 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A rock of jello

1/17/2018 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just heard on wgn, 'lil dick called the washington post first thing upon leaving the meeting with Trump. His brain is the only shithole.

1/17/2018 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not only Dick, it's all communists, ah, democrats!


1/17/2018 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last Friday, I left messages at his Springfield and Chicago offices that he should be ashamed of himself for putting illegal aliens ahead of U.S. citizens.
Please make the calls to him and Duckworth.

1/17/2018 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin has thrown us all under the bus in his efforts to keep his position. Someone needs to explain to me how a guy who makes $174,000 a year retires as a multimillionaire.

1/17/2018 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/17/2018 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve contacted Durbin’s office before to ask him to vote a certain way. They always recontact me and tell me that Durbin is going to do what he wants. You can usually leave a comment after that. That’s when I usually bring up his his wife being a lobbyist, his hatred for the military, or the sorry state of Illinois during his long senate stay. He is useless to the state of Illinois and seems to only push for liberal causes for his colleagues. It’s too bad Doug Truax didn’t win the Republican primary so that he could have ran against him. The fool, Jim Oberweiss, won the primary because of his big money. With the proper backing, Truax could have beat Durbin.

1/17/2018 08:43:00 AM  
Blogger Jack Trumpblood said...

If he cares so much about immigrants, I am going to go online and find out how many immigration reform bills he sponsored.

1/17/2018 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you need a new Dick

1/17/2018 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin is a snake and very dangerous for America. He is the defender of evil and lawlessness. If you ever have the displeasure of being around him you need to shower immediately.

1/17/2018 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And dickeys wife is getting millions in lobbying fees sickening and criminals! Currently watching Fox news talking about locking up the elected criminals they have black guys on who agree they all should be arrested and prosecuted! Dickey should be 1 of the first arrested, along with rahm,madigan,the 50,put toni and tommy on the bus,load up kimmy on the trains lets pack and jam them in directly to federal building or better yet have a "fed air" jet ready fly them all to Guantanamo bay Cuba and give them hearings there, enough is enough the sooner the better!

Durbin the dick is so out of touch with reality wonder how much his crew is getting paid off? this moron anti-law and order, he is nothing more than a criminal and should be charged with treason along with the rest!

1/17/2018 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice if we were able to deport Dick Durbin?

1/17/2018 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always was a douchebag. Will be overwhelmingly re-elected. Watch for the Durbin signs everywhere on the West Side during the election cycles.Votes are all that matters to that treasonous traitorous communist hater of true Americans.

1/17/2018 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t Dickie Durbin go be a politician in Haiti or some other shithole he advocates so much for

1/17/2018 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That why the President called him
"Dicky" lmao

1/17/2018 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a handjob.

1/17/2018 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dicky durbin you pos what do you say about this? do you support this?

Illegal immigrant charged in the killings of two cops wishes he 'had killed more of the mother-------'

Durbin,tammy,rahm and all the rest praying the DOJ gets here soon and arrests all of the elected democrats who boldly violate federal laws,hope they drag you out of your cush offices and take you directly to prison!

1/17/2018 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

treasonous really

1/17/2018 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And these illegal immigrants that this Dick is supporting will take the jobs from democratic-voting citizens as well as stain the social welfare system meant for (largely democratic voting) citizens.

1/17/2018 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DickLess Durbin only serves himself. He does this grandstanding to get his Mugg in the news for his next reelection. Another conniving self serving criminal Liberal Democrat.

1/17/2018 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell him how you feel...

230 S. Dearborn Street
Suite 3892
Chicago, IL 60604
p: 312.353.4952
f: 312.353.0150
8:30 am to 5:00 pm

1/17/2018 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bag of Durbin needs to go ASAPM

1/17/2018 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Dick Durbin he’s an arrogant piece of dog shit

1/17/2018 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick has ALWAYS BEEN ANTI TRUMP. This guy is a clown !

1/17/2018 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/17/2018 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deport that Dick

1/17/2018 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

durbin has the worst record in congress.. only votes 3% of the time in favor of taxpayers.

1/17/2018 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1/17/2018 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin's statement about immigrants is not that different from Pritzker's ads where he claims his main purpose in running is to defeat Rauner. Funny. I thought the purpose of a governor is to represent and advocate for the people of Illinois.

(Or Madigan whose goal is to be the King of Illinois. Citizens be damned.)

All Durbin ever advocated for was an internet sales tax.

No wonder Illinois is such a shithole.

1/17/2018 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois = Shithole = Durbin
The math has been fact checked.


1/17/2018 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senate Oath of Office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

1/17/2018 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you have it, lads and lassies. Dick Turbin is far more interested in protecting illegals than he is protecting US citizens. IL voters, you get what you deserve, so, by all means, vote him to yet another term when his time comes around again.

1/17/2018 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FROM ‘A Cops Watch’
Friday, January 12, 2018
Not good news for the "City of Brotherly Love"...

PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner fired 31 staff members in the office, a dramatic shake-up and the first major staffing decision announced by the city's new top prosecutor, just three days after he was sworn in.
Voters of Philadelphia, you will reap what you've sown. Last year I wrote an article for American Thinker, explaining how cops, when threatened by their political bosses, will simply "Go Galt." A cop will sign on, answer calls for service, but otherwise not do anything self initiated. They got careers, families, pensions, etc, to protect. And seeing how the new Philli DA is looking at his office, all I can say to the cops in Philadelphia is watch your back.

1/17/2018 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They say the Constitution has no teeth, I say it does. If as police you encounter someone committing a crime, you arrest them. It's not up to the police to judge, it's up to the police to arrest the offending individual and let the courts handle it. Obviously the courts are biased here in Illinois, but it would sure send a message if you could get some footage of Little Dick Durbin doing the perp walk. Any cops out there ready to quit the job and willing to do us a great big public service? Dick Durbin for jail!

1/17/2018 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time for Dick to withdraw. He can't get it up for the taxpayers of IL.

Fuck you, Turbin. We never forgot the way you compared US Marines to nazis.


1/17/2018 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick (Turban) Durbin? wonder Illinois leads the country in outmigration

1/17/2018 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Johnny the Janitor said...

Does anyone recall him going to bat for George Ryan. I seem to recall he wrote a letter to the Judge hearing the case or someone else requesting leniency. What a tool...

1/17/2018 01:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the citizens are leaving Illinois so durbin has to find someone to vote for him.

1/17/2018 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senators are supposed to represent the interests of their state. Illinois follows the interests of the Cook County Machine and the Chicago Machine and that interest at the present time is that of a Sanctuary City. I guess people of Illinois will have to learn to live with it and in the meantime work harder and pay more taxes to support the welfare class and the illegals.

1/17/2018 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another crank Democrat, as ignorant as the the ones who got $5 to straw vote for him.
After his prostate explodes beyond repair, there’s still DuckWorthless to crusade for the freeloaders, with another evil liberal eager to fill the seat.
F-ckin golden enough for Kennedy or Pricksker to segue from a failed governor attempt.

1/17/2018 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

little dickey , other members of the house and senate that accused Trump of being mentally unstable , sick should be drug tested and have the same medical , cognitive exam that Trump did . Results should be on cnn,abc,nbc and fox news
maybe have whoooopieee and joy do the same , tim caine and Hilary

1/17/2018 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big mouth dicky ruined ruined the chances for his illegal "dreamers" to stay, this moron is in a meeting with the president and his people and like a little sissy girl comes out and cries! He is not for the American people hopefully when the arrests finally start here on the elected criminals breaking federal immigration laws he will be first on the bus! The forgotten men and women are getting excited!

1/17/2018 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
FYI..Durbin was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for a seat in the Illinois State Senate in 1976. He unsuccessfully ran for Lieutenant Governor in 1978. In 1982, Durbin won the Democratic nomination for the now-eliminated 20th congressional district, which included most of Springfield. He scored a huge upset, defeating 22-year incumbent Paul Findley. As part of the decennial redistricting process, Findley's district had been redrawn to include more Democrats.

Sounds like a real winner.. Had to redraw district lines to finally get elected, couldn’t win a election legitimately. POS, typical democrat.

1/17/2018 07:45:00 AM
Redraw district how about how Burke, Madigan,and Quinn sliced and diced the 23rd ward to get more white voters, then ruined that area by not giving service to the taxpayers! Democrats everything wrong with this city state county and country! When we were in 23rd ward we had services now streets are falling apart, no extra coppers archer ave looks like shit! When Burke and Quinn first sliced up the ward they had a bug meeting years ago with the "archer plan" making diagonal parking near corners, to help businesses with customers,and to redo streets and sidewalks and nothing has been done, but dam if they don't throw millions to illegals, why didn't so called police officer retired Burke call out rahm when he ruthlessly took away Cpd retirees health care? Hey Kevin and Kenny did rahm make the required contributions to the police pension fund due now? Or are you guys getting hush money?

1/17/2018 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can blame this traitorous activity upon the Democrats' voting bloc in the Senate. Instead of allowing for majority rule, the Democrats can require a super-majority of 60 votes whenever they want. Voting as a bloc give Durbin the power to act contrary to the interest of ordinary Americans who do not control corporations and hire illegal aliens.

We can also blame this traitorous activity upon the Republicans who will not require Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to exercise his power to change the Senate rules and obligate filibustering-Senators to actually speak on the Senate floor when holding filibusters.

As long as Sen. McConnell and the other Republican Senators allow for nonspeaking filibusters which can only be overcome by 60-vote super-majorities, this traitorous activity will continue.

Do you want to make a change? Ask the Republican politicians why they are not requiring McConnell to change the Senate rule to require actual speaking on the Senate floor when holding filibusters. Start with Sen. McConnell.

1/17/2018 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dirty Dick Durbin

1/17/2018 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick's chasing after the hispanic vote, just like Rahm is. Otherwise, Dick has a "safe seat" forever.

Fact of matter is that Chicago will soon become a predominantly hispanic city (40%+) while black residents continue to move out of Chicago and white residents tending to be young adults or wealthy 1%'ers otherwise unconcerned by (and sheltered from) Chicago's significant crime, high tax, poor infrastructure and governmental services, etc. About half of hispanic population is undocumented foreign-born residents, according to most recent demographic studies, which is incredible. Given that voters are screened for citizenship, or checked for eligibility when enrolling on voter registration, Chicago has same issue as Los Angeles, lots of non-citizens voting in local and state and federal elections nonetheless.

1/17/2018 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call Durbin 202 224 2152. Or 312 353 4953 tell him how happy you are with him

1/17/2018 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All these people he loves (at election time)... I wonder how many live within 1, er 5, um 20 miles of this idiot!

Hopefully these mayors of sanctuary cities (and now states)

I swear, when you run out of money, have all trash and Seattle type millennials left.... You would like to see this a hole lose, but the left-leaning media is all for it!


1/17/2018 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's way passed the time for this asshat to GTFO! Another reason to vote Republican.

1/17/2018 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By definition, "sanctuary city" policy encourages the intentional violation of a series of Federal and State laws regarding both immigration and general police enforcement of criminal law. We Chicago USA-citizen residents now have less "privilege", by municipal policy, than an illegal immigrant who has been convicted of a crime. That illegal immigrant is allowed to "stay", is in fact "sheltered" by both City Hall policy and actual tangible benefits-package, given an ID card, a LINK card, a cell-phone, subsidized housing, free school meals and subsidized CTA transportation for children (in addition to CPS' per-student educational expenditures), free health care, etc. And now that illegal immigrant can go to the Art Institute for free too, with that extra-special new ID card!

Talk about patronizing the "illegal immigrant" residents of Chicago.

And the "Dreamers" who attend university inevitably get a near free-ride on tuition, something that many white middle-class parents of outstanding students can only "dreamer- about", because there's no such thing as merit aid in Illinois college system.

I feel my family has been GIVING a whole lot here to Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois, and not getting much VALUE back in return. Please let me know where I can sign-up for same said benefits, me the middle-aged, overtaxed, overworked white-collar professional who makes this all "possible" by the ridiculous taxes I pay on EVERYTHING IN CHICAGO!!! I'm tired of working, don't have a fancy lifestyle, grocery shop at Aldis. In fact, I think I'm the only person at my Aldis still actually PAYING for my food, and not using a LINK card.

It's the end of liberal America for the middle-class, a noble principle many of us can no longer afford to support.

1/17/2018 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Dickie durbin will resign after pritzker is elected, then Lisa madigan can be appointed senator

1/17/2018 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I locked up his white trash nephew at ohare. He was a baggage handler. Assaulted female coworker....hillbilly yellow hammer

1/17/2018 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's time for Dick to Depart.

Was that a typo? Deport

1/17/2018 06:48:00 AM

the action of deporting a foreigner from a country.

We need him to be banished as soon as possible.

1/17/2018 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy.

Leaders need to be optimists. Their vision is beyond the present

former ny mayor rudy guiliani

1/17/2018 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a dick

1/17/2018 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is this guy head over heels in love with a bunch if non -citizens who are breaking federal laws ?

1/17/2018 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin,tammy,rahm and all the rest praying the DOJ gets here soon and arrests all of the elected democrats who boldly violate federal laws,hope they drag you out of your cush offices and take you directly to prison!

1/17/2018 09:40:00 AM

It would absolutely be a dream come true for any liberal democrat to be hauled off in cuffs. The outrage (fake of course) would make the shithole comment look like child's play. The immoral media would have an orgasm. This would be greatest gift the bottom feeders could get. Hopefully the admin doesn't give them the ammo. Just keep pounding economically until it all implodes.

1/17/2018 05:05:00 PM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

We should be allowed to sue the judges that release these assholes to commit more crimes. When there is no risk of being held accountable nothing gets done. Imagine using the shit out of than and Foxx.

1/17/2018 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how “ kind hearted” he would be if.... all the people rushing in were going to vote R? Hmmmm🤔. Anyone with a brain knows his & little Luis angle .

1/17/2018 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And doesn’t the Oath talk about upholding the laws of the U.S.?
If they are here illegally, they are BREAKING THE LAW.

1/17/2018 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick Durbim is a sleezeball not for the people loosing dems steam and doesnt know what to do, pretty comical when they become desperate!!!

1/17/2018 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is voting for this ***hole?

1/17/2018 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic


SCC and Fellow CPD Members, have you heard about the most awesome arrest that was made last night in the 025th District???

Last night the 3rd Watch Area North Saturation Team made an heroic arrest that made the streets of Chicago so much safer.
What is the arrest you ask, they long formed a person for driving while his DL is suspended. This felonious dangerous offender they threw in the 025th District lockup has never been arrested in his 25 years on this green earth. Now he has a criminal record because of this arrest of the year, but it gets even better. This dangerous offender has a father who is a retired CPD Sergeant and has two uncles that are current CPD Officers. Being advised of this by the dangerous offenders the Hard Charging Saturation Team Officers did not care and still wanted to long form this bad desperado and give him a IR Number.

It's gets better, one of the uncles called the 025th District to speak with the arresting officers to see if the nephew was disrespectful and see if that's why they were long forming the nephew. These hard chargers would not take the call, they refused to talk with anyone.

Now there will be some of you who would say why was this danger to society driving with his DL Suspended? It was learned that his wife had gotten parking tickets on his vehicle without telling him and the city had his DL Suspended. This menance to society was coming home from work, not gang banging, doing a drive by, smoking weed, was carrying illegally, shit you or I considered a REAL ARREST.

Knowing that this Top Ten Most Wanted offender has a retired Seargent for a father and two uncles on the job, THE REAL POLICE who believes in a brotherhood and professional courtesy at a minimum would of TVB this bad hombre and issued him a I Bond in lieu of throwing him in the lockup for 4-6 hours and giving him a criminal record. THE REAL MOTHER FUCKING POLICE would of let him off with a " get your fucking license fixed".

Please make these two guys famous and spread this great arrest they made. Made the Police Gods return some karma to these two officers of the month..

1/17/2018 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only if Dick was so concerned about our schools and roads...

1/17/2018 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Either we have the rule of law here or we don't. If we don't, I just may go out and rob me a few banks. Why not? The democrats told us the law doesn't matter anymore.
Start building the gallows in preparation for the mass treason executions of these rat politicians.

1/17/2018 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 7 Ace reporter in Elmhurst reporting an armed offender cane face to face with victim . Offender entered through an unlocked patio door . The Ace reporter was unable to provide viewers with a description of the armed offender .
Over paid , afraid to report the news .

1/17/2018 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff Spicoli weighs in on the Durbin situation. LINK

1/17/2018 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to hear FOP President Kevin Graham say something that no other FOP President ever said.

Every cop, every cop's family member, fried and neighbor is going to vote!

Make the politicians FEAR US.

I'm over 1500 miles away and I always vote.
I keep my late wife's wedding dress in a closet back in Chi-raq.

1/17/2018 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin is a sack-of-shit!

1/17/2018 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
Retired CPD in Oklahoma says...<<<

Well Yippee Kiyah!
May you have a long and happy retirement.

Do you still vote in Illinois?
Your pension depends on it.

1/17/2018 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin what a phony showing, his true colors what a jerk ,retire you goof.youre done start spending the money ,you didn’t earn of the hard working tax payers backs and families of Illinois.

1/17/2018 09:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give him the sweat off my balls if he was dying of thirst.

1/17/2018 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugly , bug eyed, spineless, little bastard. Hates cops and military. How in the hell does he stay in the Senate? Despicable creature.

1/17/2018 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where’s Shaved?

We need that pic of Daley giving Durbin an enema in a jail cell recycled.

1/17/2018 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off Topic


SCC and Fellow CPD Members, have you heard about the most awesome arrest that was made last night in the 025th District???

Last night the 3rd Watch Area North Saturation Team made an heroic arrest that made the streets of Chicago so much safer.
What is the arrest you ask, they long formed a person for driving while his DL is suspended. This felonious dangerous offender they threw in the 025th District lockup has never been arrested in his 25 years on this green earth. Now he has a criminal record because of this arrest of the year, but it gets even better. This dangerous offender has a father who is a retired CPD Sergeant and has two uncles that are current CPD Officers. Being advised of this by the dangerous offenders the Hard Charging Saturation Team Officers did not care and still wanted to long form this bad desperado and give him a IR Number.

It's gets better, one of the uncles called the 025th District to speak with the arresting officers to see if the nephew was disrespectful and see if that's why they were long forming the nephew. These hard chargers would not take the call, they refused to talk with anyone.

Now there will be some of you who would say why was this danger to society driving with his DL Suspended? It was learned that his wife had gotten parking tickets on his vehicle without telling him and the city had his DL Suspended. This menance to society was coming home from work, not gang banging, doing a drive by, smoking weed, was carrying illegally, shit you or I considered a REAL ARREST.

Knowing that this Top Ten Most Wanted offender has a retired Seargent for a father and two uncles on the job, THE REAL POLICE who believes in a brotherhood and professional courtesy at a minimum would of TVB this bad hombre and issued him a I Bond in lieu of throwing him in the lockup for 4-6 hours and giving him a criminal record. THE REAL MOTHER FUCKING POLICE would of let him off with a " get your fucking license fixed".

Please make these two guys famous and spread this great arrest they made. Made the Police Gods return some karma to these two officers of the month..

1/17/2018 06:20:00 PM
You did everything else now name the jag off's!

1/17/2018 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 7 Ace reporter in Elmhurst reporting an armed offender cane face to face with victim . Offender entered through an unlocked patio door . The Ace reporter was unable to provide viewers with a description of the armed offender .
Over paid , afraid to report the news .

1/17/2018 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ballerina from Northshore bragging he wants Apple to invest in Chicago , claims Apple 🍎 Store On Mag Mile is number 1 in U. S. A.
Is it the only one that a mayor allowed blm,illegals protesting to shut it down from shoppers on Black Friday .
No Arrests .
I bet Apple didn’t forget .

1/17/2018 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick the liar Durbin planned on insulting , embarrassing , humiliating President Trump before they met, same thing with Nancy Pelousi two people brain washed by Obama who have no conscience, or believe in God

1/17/2018 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC and Fellow CPD Members, have you heard about the most awesome arrest that was made last night in the 025th District???

Last night the 3rd Watch Area North Saturation Team made an heroic arrest that made the streets of Chicago so much safer.
What is the arrest you ask, they long formed a person for driving while his DL is suspended. This felonious dangerous offender they threw in the 025th District lockup has never been arrested in his 25 years on this green earth. Now he has a criminal record because of this arrest of the year, but it gets even better. This dangerous offender has a father who is a retired CPD Sergeant and has two uncles that are current CPD Officers. Being advised of this by the dangerous offenders the Hard Charging Saturation Team Officers did not care and still wanted to long form this bad desperado and give him a IR Number.

It's gets better, one of the uncles called the 025th District to speak with the arresting officers to see if the nephew was disrespectful and see if that's why they were long forming the nephew. These hard chargers would not take the call, they refused to talk with anyone.

Now there will be some of you who would say why was this danger to society driving with his DL Suspended? It was learned that his wife had gotten parking tickets on his vehicle without telling him and the city had his DL Suspended. This menance to society was coming home from work, not gang banging, doing a drive by, smoking weed, was carrying illegally, shit you or I considered a REAL ARREST.

Knowing that this Top Ten Most Wanted offender has a retired Seargent for a father and two uncles on the job, THE REAL POLICE who believes in a brotherhood and professional courtesy at a minimum would of TVB this bad hombre and issued him a I Bond in lieu of throwing him in the lockup for 4-6 hours and giving him a criminal record. THE REAL MOTHER FUCKING POLICE would of let him off with a " get your fucking license fixed".

Please make these two guys famous and spread this great arrest they made. Made the Police Gods return some karma to these two officers of the month..

I don't give a f**k who your daddy is. 20 years ago I "helped" a copper out and took three days. Are you trying to say the secretary of state didn't send any notices telling this clown his license would be suspended. As for phone calls, I don't take them either. Talk to my supervisor. The days of giving breaks are over. Maybe these guys can make this kids uncle's famous by calling COPA. After all didn't we just sign for a pamphlet telling us how to do it.

1/17/2018 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chop that Dick off!!!

1/17/2018 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a reason ole Dick has the nickname: Durbin The Turbin....

Guess this is just another prime example of it. That turd needs to be voted out.

1/17/2018 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an utter embarrassment

1/17/2018 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic


SCC and Fellow CPD Members, have you heard about the most awesome arrest that was made last night in the 025th District???


That's an issue with these guys on units being pressured to bring in activity. They probably didn't have an arrest for 2018 and were desparate. Desparate for the approval of their coworkers/supervisots, and desparate not to be dumped back to patrol. This is an example of MTTIW - more trouble than its worth. 99% of officers would TVB anyone in a similar situation rather than long forming. If they wanted an arrest they were betting off assisting another unit like everyone else.

Word of this arrest was known even before the blog posted it. These officers will be dumped in the summer, guaranteed. It's not just an issue of police courtesy (because as previously pointed out most others in that situation would be given tickets/ibond), but they failed to show any compassion instead focusing on activity.

Was it worth it, morons? Enjoy your time there will you can

1/17/2018 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: I feel my family has been GIVING a whole lot here to Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois, and not getting much VALUE back in return. Please let me know where I can sign-up for same said benefits, me the middle-aged, overtaxed, overworked white-collar professional who makes this all "possible" by the ridiculous taxes I pay on EVERYTHING IN CHICAGO!!! I'm tired of working, don't have a fancy lifestyle, grocery shop at Aldis. In fact, I think I'm the only person at my Aldis still actually PAYING for my food, and not using a LINK card.

It's the end of liberal America for the middle-class, a noble principle many of us can no longer afford to support.

Very well said and I couldn’t agree more.

1/18/2018 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

SCC and Fellow CPD Members, have you heard about the most awesome arrest that was made last night in the 025th District???

Last night the 3rd Watch Area North Saturation Team made an heroic arrest that made the streets of Chicago so much safer.

They probably long form everybody and not doing it for one white guy is going to bring a lot of heat. There is no way he didn't know the DL was suspended, but thought he was going to skate because who he is. Should have just cut him on the street, but he probably was an ass.

1/18/2018 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... For some reason assholes in jail on deportation lists bother democrats

1/17/2018 12:14:00 AM"

Not to mention absentee ballots with foreign postage from south of the border, or way east of the Atlantic. Not that a Dem judge would find that suspicious.

1/18/2018 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every union member needs to ensure their union provides zero dollars to Durbin. We need to cut off his funding from every source we have control of.

1/18/2018 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get what you tolerate. You have been tolerating this POS for too long.

1/18/2018 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin is a result of the 17th amendment assault on our Constitution.
Durbin is a posterchild for WHY the state government is supposed to handle sending a Senator, not the popular vote of the people of the state.

Wake up folks. The HOUSE is ours, for OUR representation.
The SENATE is to represent the STATE, specifically the State Government, NOT the PEOPLE! Directly electing the Senators turns the senate on its head and CREATES serious malfunction.

Equal Representation was built into the legislative process by building a BiCameral Legislature where BOTH population and Size of states are represented.

Large states are not to roll over smaller ones.
Large Population states are not to roll over smaller population states.
BOTH are due RIGHT AND PROPER Representation!

By making the Senate into basically another House, the whole process gets so muddy that noting positive can ever get done. Ever.

No, We The People should NOT cast a vote to elect our two Senators.
Who we put in State Government should make that decision. That is how it worked until 1913. And worked it did until DEMOCRATS did their hostile takeover and plunged this country into depression as a result of their reversal of the money flow and destroying the taproot of equality called the bicameral legislature.

16 17 and 18 as amendments were a trio done with the intent to play three card monte. People would be SO PISSED OFF about the alcohol prohibition that their focus would be there, rather than the real attack upon our Nation, upon our Liberty.

While Democrats never met a tax or regulation power they didn't like, they would give up even the income tax before they give up directly electing Senators. They KNOW that 17 turned EVERYTHING upside down, almost entirely turned our Republic into their precious Democracy.

Want to make America great again? Then Repeal 16 and 17. Doing so would Restore our Republic, and put democrats back where they belong. On the TRAITORS List, where they belong.

1/18/2018 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't give a f**k who your daddy is. 20 years ago I "helped" a copper out and took three days. Are you trying to say the secretary of state didn't send any notices telling this clown his license would be suspended. As for phone calls, I don't take them either. Talk to my supervisor. The days of giving breaks are over. Maybe these guys can make this kids uncle's famous by calling COPA. After all didn't we just sign for a pamphlet telling us how to do it.

You're a tool!!

1/18/2018 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an issue with these guys on units being pressured to bring in activity. They probably didn't have an arrest for 2018 and were desparate. Desparate for the approval of their coworkers/supervisots, and desparate not to be dumped back to patrol. This is an example of MTTIW - more trouble than its worth. 99% of officers would TVB anyone in a similar situation rather than long forming. If they wanted an arrest they were betting off assisting another unit like everyone else.

Word of this arrest was known even before the blog posted it. These officers will be dumped in the summer, guaranteed. It's not just an issue of police courtesy (because as previously pointed out most others in that situation would be given tickets/ibond), but they failed to show any compassion instead focusing on activity.

Was it worth it, morons? Enjoy your time there will you can

They will not be dumped in the summer. Why wait till summer? If they were going to dump them, they would do it now

1/18/2018 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Durbin-the big-mouth, crocodile-teared, outraged squeler who had to tell the entire country about Trump's sh*thole comment. Durbin is gone next election!

1/18/2018 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't give a f**k who your daddy is. 20 years ago I "helped" a copper out and took three days. Are you trying to say the secretary of state didn't send any notices telling this clown his license would be suspended. As for phone calls, I don't take them either. Talk to my supervisor. The days of giving breaks are over. Maybe these guys can make this kids uncle's famous by calling COPA. After all didn't we just sign for a pamphlet telling us how to do it.

1/17/2018 10:44:00 PM

You truly are what's known as the millennial. Traffic citations ARE at the discretion of the officer. Even with "20" years on you don't know this. Retarded is what you used to be called. Now it's just a$$hole.

1/18/2018 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't give a f**k who your daddy is. 20 years ago I "helped" a copper out and took three days. Are you trying to say the secretary of state didn't send any notices telling this clown his license would be suspended. As for phone calls, I don't take them either. Talk to my supervisor. The days of giving breaks are over. Maybe these guys can make this kids uncle's famous by calling COPA. After all didn't we just sign for a pamphlet telling us how to do it.

You sir are a complete douchebag. You must have done something stupid to take 3 days. I can only hope and pray that when one of your family members screw up that they get it stuck up their ass by a like minded tool. No one is suggesting they let him go. they could have done a tvb and gotten him a bond at the desk. there was no need to long form this guy. that is a DICK move.

1/18/2018 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How quickly they forget their oaths.

If they do not serve US, they should be expelled!


1/18/2018 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night the 3rd Watch Area North Saturation Team made an heroic arrest.

Does the 25 year old have a learning disability or maybe he is just an @ ?

1/18/2018 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You truly are what's known as the millennial. Traffic citations ARE at the discretion of the officer. Even with "20" years on you don't know this. Retarded is what you used to be called. Now it's just a$$hole.

1/18/2018 01:24:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't give a f**k who your daddy is. 20 years ago I "helped" a copper out and took three days. Are you trying to say the secretary of state didn't send any notices telling this clown his license would be suspended. As for phone calls, I don't take them either. Talk to my supervisor. The days of giving breaks are over. Maybe these guys can make this kids uncle's famous by calling COPA. After all didn't we just sign for a pamphlet telling us how to do it.

You sir are a complete douchebag. You must have done something stupid to take 3 days. I can only hope and pray that when one of your family members screw up that they get it stuck up their ass by a like minded tool. No one is suggesting they let him go. they could have done a tvb and gotten him a bond at the desk. there was no need to long form this guy. that is a DICK move.

Thank you. Yes, I did something stupid. I thought I was helping a fellow PO. Never did that again. Hope you never cross me because I think I'll stay 15 more years. My ticket will signed Officer Doucebag A**hole

1/18/2018 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will not be dumped in the summer. Why wait till summer? If they were going to dump them, they would do it now


You must not know how the game is played. If someone is immediately dumped after such an incidentbthere's no denying its directly due to this incident. You know, its yet another example of the whole "code of silence" nonsense. Also that's a juicy story to suggest p/o's were punished for not showing preferential treatment andccan easily find a few interested ears within the media, perhaps a hungry law office.

However, summertime when everything is heating up there are always personnel changes within units. Include those two goofs and a few others under the guise of "helping patrol" or "changing the dynamic of the team with new officers." Less attention, and more plausible deniability on behalf of the bosses

1/18/2018 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3days twenty years ago, that must have been quite a beef

1/18/2018 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things

1) Nobody us getting dumped because they wrote a retired cops 25 yeah old a ticket.

2) The desk sergeant is who decides if a tvb will be long formed not the coppers.

3) There is no discretion with suspended/ revoked. The order says you will write the ticket.

4) 25 year old with a suspended DL that you "didn't know about"=bust out confirmed.

1/20/2018 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edgar was not an honest governor but a total thief. He and Kirk Dillard brought in Janis Cellini to be the patronage chief. She started the downfall of the state of Illinois by bringing in organized crime associates like Frank capuzi and Chicago dems into state government. These pieces of shit were protected by every dumbocrat in office. So idiots put the blame where the blame is or shut the fuck up.

1/20/2018 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hot tip: When you whore yourself out to clap for JB in a commercial, try not to look like a GIANT suckass doucher homo.

1/21/2018 11:45:00 AM  

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