Sunday, September 17, 2017

Investigate What?

The "cult of victimhood" and "blame anyone but me!" circus is in full swing, and we can only thank the media for shining a spotlight on it so everyone can see it in all its twisted glory:
  • A memorial to honor the life of a West Side teenager found dead in the walk-in freezer at a suburban hotel turned into a protest march and a plea for federal authorities to take over the investigation.

    About 100 people, led by the mother of Kenneka Jenkins, 19, who was found dead last Sunday inside the freezer at the Crowne Plaza O'Hare & Conference Center in Rosemont, gathered Saturday in Douglas Park.

    From the park, about 30 people snarled eastbound traffic on Roosevelt Road as they marched east to the FBI's Chicago field office on a sunny afternoon. Through chants, group members said they were dissatisfied with hotel videos released by Rosemont police on Friday.

    Activists threatened 30 days of protests outside the Crowne Plaza hotel if they weren't given the "full" version of the tape, saying they had only seen small, possibly doctored versions.

    "We're here at the FBI building asking for a second look," activist Mark Carter told reporters among a crowd of supporters at the front gate of the FBI office on the Near West Side.
First of all, death investigations aren't wrapped up in 48 minutes (with 12 minutes of commercials.) Toxicology reports take weeks at times, video has to be located, viewed, archived, witnesses have to be interviewed (many of whom are NOT cooperating with Rosemont police for some odd reason). Then there's the mystery of who rented the hotel room, who bought the liquor (and maybe drugs) that may have been ingested by underage individuals.

So what is the FBI going to investigate? Everything known at the moment points to an accidental death driven by all sorts of bad life choices. There are no Civil Rights issues, nothing like a Mann Act violation, no kidnapping. There isn't even a hint that Rosemont is doing anything except conducting a death investigation under their rules, policies and the law. Hell, Andrew Holmes went on TV and told everyone exactly what he viewed on the video to the dismay of the family attorney.

Occam's razor is a philosophic principle that states in part that if there are two explanations, the simpler one is usually the correct one. But not in the "blame anyone but me!" school of thought, fed by media attention, YouTube and FacebookLive bullshit.

Aren't there a crapload of political corruption cases that ought to be investigated locally?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it ever really too early to apply for the lottery ?

9/17/2017 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Activists threatened 30 days of protests outside the Crowne Plaza hotel if they weren't given the "full" version of the tape, saying they had only seen small, possibly doctored versions.

They need to call in the big guns like Jesse Jackson Sr or Rev Al Sharpton if they want a bigger audience and millions of dollars of taxpayer's money, hell the twerp murder mayor should kick in just to garner some votes, of course he would have suppressed the video until after his election...

9/17/2017 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Minnesota they have been going after the drug dealers and charging and CONVICTING the drug dealers of manslaughter when someone ODs.

Someone should go after the idiots that rented the room and bought the booze and any drugs.

9/17/2017 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah....its a Rosemont Hotels letting them in. Get real.🍕

9/17/2017 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe these folks (or people) should just "chill out".

9/17/2017 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps a lot of this, beyond the obvious "Hey media, look at ME!" that too often happens after an odd death in certain communities, is an effort on the part of the family to make it APPEAR that something nefarious happened (beyond the poor life choices and deceptive behavior of the deceased) and make it APPEAR that there is some sort of police cover-up, and make it APPEAR that the family just wants to find out the truth, when nothing could actually be further from the truth. The family wants a payday and if they can't get it from the hotel, they'll go after the City of Rosemont and the police department. The worse the family can make everyone else look in the meantime, the more likely they are to get a quick "Shut up and go away" settlement. Ahhh, the ghetto lottery in action.

9/17/2017 12:32:00 AM  
Blogger Leonard Hamilton said...

Reality TV and procedurals are to blame. I had a cop tell me the worst part of his job was people watch CSI and then tests come back the same day. No they do not. Sorry for your loss but those were not her friends to let her wander off drunk in a hotel like that. We go in together, we leave together or we sleep off the liquor together and make it home safe.

9/17/2017 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The family Is just looking for a name for when they will no doubt try and cash in on her death with an inevitable wrongful death lawsuit.

9/17/2017 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People were quick to start blaming others and demanding answers from the Rosemont Police Department within hours after this young woman's body was found, let the police work, wait for their final conclusion and then say something. I have seen comments blaming the mother and making very disrespectful comments towards this family, lets be respectful, they just lost a loved one.

9/17/2017 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word on the street is the individual calling himself Jedidiah Brown is really Darryl Eugene Coleman.

It's a shame the way all the grief hustlers and poverty pimps are swarming to this foolishness. Yet in the neighborhood where the deceased girl lived, there have been more than 50 homicides and not one protest, demonstration or vigil against the criminals who are shooting someone everyday there.

9/17/2017 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where, where I ask you are the monuments to the
party animals of the past? Lenny Bruce, Jimi Hendrix,
Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon, John Belushi,
Whitney Houston.
Can you just imagine the one for Willie Nelson?
Intricate carvings of reefer, hash, blow, alcohol,
and mushrooms cost a fortune in fine marble.
And who's gonna pay for it? The Grand Old Opry?

9/17/2017 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Investigate the fraudulent credit card used to rent the room

9/17/2017 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous So tired of this crap said...

First of all- what the hell was she doing walking around in a restricted area?

The videos looked like she was buzzed or high on something. What is a 19 year old doing at a hotel?? A birthday party?? Yeah with drugs and drinks.

Sorry but no sympathy here. When you get blasted out of your mind on drugs or drinks, it is no one else's fault- but your own.

9/17/2017 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me. Holmes is a just and good man. MaMa did not like the truth and called what is fact bull shit.

She and her following are W/S morons and are looking for a pay out. Her daughter is now on ice and MaMa stirs the pot trying to shake down the hotel and village. She will be eating shit ! Rosemount is not the pitiful city of Chicago.

Holmes is too class of a man to engage in a pissing match with MaMa regarding thee truth. Holmes for mayor.

All over the country ghetto drama never ends. Chicago, St. Louis, etc.

9/17/2017 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some teenagers just can't stand prosperity.
Price out two rooms at the Crowne, even with
her discount. They wanted one room to smoke
dope in the bathroom with the hot shower running
to create a sauna. They cranked the window air
exchanger on high, then sprayed Febreeze and
air freshener all over the room.
Sorry kids, the dope oils will still be on the bathroom
lights. And they will be fresh, so you can't blame a
previous occupant.
You got your L.A. Skid Row homeless bums, then you got
your affluent teenagers booking two rooms at the Crowne.
Where is the memorial for the homeless alcoholic in L.A.?

9/17/2017 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lessons from the Left's playbook. How many people has Hillary Clinton specifically blamed for losing the election? I believe it's past thirty. So with the hiring of lawyers Sam Adam Jr. & Larry Rogers Jr. handling the Kenneka Jenkins case mama Teresa Martin will be blaming everyone except Kenneka, the friends she was with, who have not cooperated in the investigation, and her self. So who can be blamed? Starting with the hotel, the staff, the Rosemont Police and Andrew Holmes. How about adding the maker of the freezer, the electric company that supplied the power to that freezer, the maker of the elevator that brought her down from the party floor to the basement. How about the hotel guests on the premises who failed to report a person in an intoxicated condition. Did a public conveyance transport the deceased to the hotel maybe their liable. So it goes on and on and on. In the end you the taxpayer and consumer will indirectly pay for all this because the players in this case are not to blame everyone else is.

9/17/2017 02:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how Rosemont Police are handling this case. If it was in Chicago, GooglyBoogly would be giving press conferences galore to even a cub reporter from the area high school. Rahmulus would solemnly enter the hotel kitchen while reminding us how he sliced of one of his fingers in a dangerous kitchen. Navarro would chime in how he faced similar dangerous kitchens while working as a bus boy in his college days. And of course, baby mama drama crying crocodile tears as she is promised at least a six figure settlement by G. Flint Taylor of the people's law office. Little Lisa would launch a "full investigation" of all kitchen utensils. Blasé Cupich would announce that he will prohibit parishioners from entering any archdiocese kitchen facilities during Sunday mass. But Rosemont "bees Raycist!"

Retired .38 spl +P

9/17/2017 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, this is unfortunate and sad. When our kids leave the house alcohol, drugs, and incidents related can effect all our children. My problem is rather than mourning in private the family is on a blame storm. The kids using copiates amount of drugs and alcohol and providing it aren't held accountable. This is what we created by excusing reckless behavior. Now we attempt to point the finger at the the hotel who has money? Rosemont $? The police? WTF

9/17/2017 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lady was drunk and stumbling around!

It is no ones fault but hers!

Put me on that jury and her family will NOT get a penny from any lawsuit!

9/17/2017 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This looks a whole lot like a "What do you mean there's no payoff when my kid gets stupid and kills herself" protest.

9/17/2017 04:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Chicago there is "a crapload of political corruption"But neither the city or what passes for reporting now days will look into it. As far as the you lady goes they are looking to sue someone for Her bad choices and they will probably collect before it's over.

9/17/2017 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any mention of the daddy?

9/17/2017 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least all the local activists, Lamon, JaMal, Jedidiah and Andrew have been fighting with each other on fb (live and posts)
Its actually quite comical to read their "take" on what happened to that girl.

9/17/2017 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My old, wise FTO once told me, "you can't deal rationally with irrational people". They (the family and lawyers) are going to get their check eventually, but as more and more FACTS come out, the size of that check is shrinking. The real question here is the genesis of these "protests", who is behind them, and how they are started/funded. Any enterprising "reporter" willing to take a crack at it? Didn't think so.

9/17/2017 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No Justice No Peace, Pay my millions and I'll retreat"

9/17/2017 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard these "friends at the party" also took her cell phone and car home with them!

9/17/2017 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy Kim in Mass Transit, Commanders Secretary did it again, got two coppers dumped,she really does run the unit!!

9/17/2017 06:22:00 AM  
Blogger trix said...

The Sun Times should send their investigative reporters to the homes of all the partygoers. They will get to the bottom of this. Inquiring minds want to know...

9/17/2017 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They act like spoiled children. Throw a fit when something doesn't go their way.

9/17/2017 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025th District

I am not one of these coppers who always thinks or says bad things about white shirts. In 025 the last two days, the commander has done an outstanding job in managing the crowds and car traffic from the Mexican independence day.

Also, having some cars as beat only and the wagon on North Avenue has worked.

Give the man credit when it is due.

9/17/2017 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am fucking tired of this shit. They protest and disrupt every fucking thing. Blocking traffic and disrupting businesses is not protest.

9/17/2017 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps Rahm will pay the family 5 million and hold the video till after the election ???????

9/17/2017 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news said that the room was rented with a stolen credit card that was obtained through identity theft.
I wonder if MaMa will organize a protest to have the Feds to investigate that one?
Maybe the offender was caught on tape at the front desk
Was it the deceased daughter?

9/17/2017 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reparations won, judgement reached, this and many more tales from the ghettoites should be added to the CPS curriculum...

9/17/2017 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
People were quick to start blaming others and demanding answers from the Rosemont Police Department within hours after this young woman's body was found, let the police work, wait for their final conclusion and then say something. I have seen comments blaming the mother and making very disrespectful comments towards this family, lets be respectful, they just lost a loved one.

9/17/2017 12:47:00 AM

BigBrotha has spoken.

9/17/2017 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being an "activist" is a very lucrative cottage industry

9/17/2017 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of this mob rule with the community and everything is a conspiracy against them too. Your drunken/high as a kite daughter was blackout drunk in a hotel room rented with someone's stolen credit card. End of story. Deal with it.

9/17/2017 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired from the job and have kept up a few friendships from my police days.

They ask, why do I even bother reading this blog?

Answer? It makes me happy by reminding me that I am retired; REALLY HAPPY.

Stay safe and STAY FETAL.

9/17/2017 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first I felt compassion for Mom. After all she just lost her daughter under tragic circumstances. But then she reached out for a blood sucker before she even buried her kid and 'da crew descended on the Hotel for the classic Chicago shake down. Jesse and Al couldn't have done it better.

OK she MF'ed the Police. Everyone MF's the police. But she seemed strangly lacking in emotion during that interview as if "when do I get paid now"? And of course "wherethefuck is Daddy"? I'm sorry but Ive seen those eye's light up before when a dead kid = cash....

We all know a death investigation , most of all one with all this heat, is a long arduous process. Even if you aren't trying to cash in no ME is going to let a suspicious death go. No dick is going to try and cover up a murder of a 19yo girl and even tho we call her a "kid" the fact is a 19yo is an adult and should be responsible for her actions. As should her crew she was hanging with, if she was that fucked up someone should have been looking out for her.

It never would have happened in my day. Boys were taught to protect girls under any circumstances yet now in some cultures they aren't much more then a vagina with a pulse.

9/17/2017 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Sandra Bland is still causing havoc said...

The real victims are the poor people that were staying at that hotel trying to sleep. We used to just smoke weed in garages of friends, not hotels.

9/17/2017 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lamon Reccord arrested Thursday and Friday at protest. Trespassing, mob action, disturbing peace. Hilarious to watch Jedidiah try his Chicago BS in Rosemont and it don't fly.

9/17/2017 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As asked before

Where is the outrage when we pick up the shooting victims after a hot long weekend?

The only reason they are protesting in Rosemont is the Money.
Yes money is the motive. I said it.
The family was right in going to hotel. Hotel was wrong in throwing family out.
Police should have done missing report immediately. CYOA search unsecured areas?
But evidence shows what drunk or high girl walk into unsecured area where she is found dead.

9/17/2017 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, 9/17/2017 02:58:00 AM, that summed it up. You pretty much put out the Sam Adam jr. Play book! Lol...

He did so well with the "Blago" circus! The last time I saw him he was looking for Bond slips at Br. 42.

When I saw him on tv with mama, it proved that it's a ghetto lottery ticket. Where was the deceased's daddy, looking for his lawyer?

9/17/2017 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my 30 yrs of cpd service.
I have learned one thing.
When in doubt drop a report?????

No matter age or circumstances.
In this career I have had 4 missings turn up Dead.
We waste plenty of time on other stuff all day.
So if parents show concern give them the concern.

If that was done here would there be any protesters there????

9/17/2017 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and one of the activists was fearful it would be come a 'cold' case. That's the way is started....DUH!

9/17/2017 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daddy is DOA, has been for a very long time...

9/17/2017 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like an investigation for the cold case squad.

9/17/2017 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She has 2 kids at home, must have a great husband to let her go out while he watches the children.

9/17/2017 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how there always has to be multiple "spokesmen" when people or "folks" die. Always have to make it into a fucking circus act. So embarrassing.

9/17/2017 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any mention of the daddy?

9/17/2017 05:19:00 AM


9/17/2017 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you expect, they watch to much TV.

They heard the FBI investigates cold cases.

9/17/2017 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The credit card used to pay for the rooms was Stolen
This aspect of the case should be investigated

Everyone needs to wait until the investigation is completed
What did the Medical Examiner find in the tox screen?

9/17/2017 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Family don't care about the dead girl. She's most likely been running the streets without supervision all her life. Is there anything anymore in that culture that is contributed to ones own behavior? They are seeing a payday in this. They are looking for someone in authority who had nothing to do with this to go to jail. How fucking annoying. These are the people who have been given everything for free and it never ends.

9/17/2017 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


002nd District Tact: Good luck! You're getting a white shirt who embodies the faults of the merit process. Arrogance, ineptitude, ignorance, and a massive sense of entitlement are some of his best qualities. Couple those fine traits with his delusions of grandeur and you have a nightmare on your hands. 002 - thank you for taking him from us!

9/17/2017 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Any mention of the daddy?

9/17/2017 05:19:00 AM

"crickets chirping"

9/17/2017 09:12:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

>>> Activists threatened 30 days of protests outside the Crowne Plaza hotel if they weren't given the "full" version of the tape, saying they had only seen small, possibly doctored versions. "We're here at the FBI building asking for a second look," activist Mark Carter told reporters... <<<

Ha-ha-ha. Sorry Mama & 'Activist' Mark Carter but the Crowns Plaza Hotel and Rosemont PD are unfamiliar with how The Ghetto Lottery works --- They don't pay out millions of dollars just because you Gibsmedat leeches are stomping your feet because someone did something stupid while drunk or high and died as a result.
----- Note: Mark and Mama, you too have to learn the rules of the Game and always read the fine print -- the rules to the Ghetto Lottery clearly state: Void Outside Chicago City Limits. (rotfl)

In addition, here's more bad news for you: The FBI 'ain't' gonna look at squat. For one they can't, they don't have jurisdiction. Secondly, they can only get involved if ASKED by the Rosemont PD. And from what I've heard of them that'll happen when Hell freezes over.

Last but not least, you better think twice about disrupting Traffic or Businesses in Rosemont. Rahm isn't giving the orders there.

9/17/2017 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1. The video should have been shown to Mom, and Mom alone.

#2. Cannot WAIT for that toxicology study to come in. Bet my mortgage on a "Sizzurp" infestation.....

#3. Westside-uh!

9/17/2017 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
People were quick to start blaming others and demanding answers from the Rosemont Police Department within hours after this young woman's body was found, let the police work, wait for their final conclusion and then say something. I have seen comments blaming the mother and making very disrespectful comments towards this family, lets be respectful, they just lost a loved one.

9/17/2017 12:47:00 AM

GFY, instead let's just blame the police for all the problems. Fucking stroke.

9/17/2017 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mama is just looking for a payday!

9/17/2017 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your intro into this SCC!!! Couldn't have described it any better! You described the current mindset of society in one sentence better than anyone.

Thank you for your blog and please keep telling the truth!

9/17/2017 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets stop putting the all the post event drama on television---no interviews, no pictures of teddy bear memorials, televise nothing. Is the unpermitted bs march for justice screwing up traffic--thats one line on the radio traffic report----without free advertising for the individual organizer.
Unexpected death of a loved one should not equal rambunctious demands for satisfaction and gratuitous payoffs.
Grieve as you wish, in your own tradition---toast with whiskey at the wake, print tee shirts and host a repast, cremate the body and hold a memorial service a week later, sit shiva for seven days---but lets all hope the media will end the new tradition of camera theatrics.

9/17/2017 09:41:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

It is interesting to see that Andrew Holmes has emerged coming off as more genuine and even compassionate than our own "Baghdad Bob" Googeliem, CPD Spokesperson. Using hotels by Peoples/ Folks from Da Hood has become a big Thang, since their own areas do not afford such luxuries. Where on the West side can you find a place to Partay with clean beds and a swimming pool. So expect to see more incidents like this in the tourist areas of the Shitty and neighboring burbs. Remember, we have already had a couple of bad shootings, etc. in some of Chicago's finer hotels. And Baby Mama hit the Ghetto Lottery on this one, because to avoid bad publicity, the hotel will accept liability for leaving the area unattended, and of course some liability for allowing the innocent child to become intoxicated on their property. The real cause of death will be in the toxicology report. Cocaine, especially if it is high grade can cause people to seek cooling down. Sometimes they jump in bodies of water, or just run to cool down. If this is the case, she may have Intentionally been seeking to reduce her body temperature. Stay Safe Baby "G"

9/17/2017 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter how this turns out, someone else will be to blame and mama wants her money, now!
Don't want to wait for a complete investigation, don't need to hear what witnesses, (that won't cooperate anyway) have to say, someone with deep pockets is to blame!

Look in the mirror, mama, that's the one to blame. Cuss her out and demand she pay!


9/17/2017 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The family hired Sam Adams? Are you fucking kidding me? C'mon you know damn well the family cant afford this scumbags fees. Sam is the one Im sure who approached them and said Ill help you....yea right, you mean help himself to millions! Sure, he will sue for 5 million in which hell get 3 and mama will get 2 in which after taxes are taken out she will end up with 1 who ends up the winner, I ask??? Of course Sam Adams! These mother fuckers need to start learning to accept responsibility for your OWN ACTIONS! Its the hotel and Rosemont's fault the room was rented with a fraudulent credit card, the hotel and Rosemont poured the drink or drugs (or both) down the bitch's throat, its the hotel and Rosemont's fault she was stumbling all over the place and don't have friends looking out for her. Fuck you Sam Adams and all the west side ghetto assholes who use and abuse the system and cry and create violence to get what they think belongs to them! These are the same fucks who also hate the government and Trump and now they want the Feds help? This is a local jurisdiction matter....feds have better things to do then to help someone who made bad decisions. Grow up or better yet...get the fuck out!

9/17/2017 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually feel sorry for the Mom, we all went to hotel parties when we were younger and got drunk. But it was our fault not some conspiracy. And we usually paid for it with a nasty hangover. Look at her friends who bought the booze and drugs.

9/17/2017 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Rosemont!! Stand up for what's right and follow the laws! Don't be intimidated by mama and her money leeching disgraceful lawyers. Show Chicago's tiny dancer how a criminal investigation is really done.

9/17/2017 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least all the local activists, Lamon, JaMal, Jedidiah and Andrew have been fighting with each other on fb (live and posts)
Its actually quite comical to read their "take" on what happened to that girl.

9/17/2017 05:31:00 AM

For those of us not on Facebook, please succinctly enlighten us. Would you assess it to be a second-tier community activist power struggle for the souls, hearts, minds, will and money of the black community?

I hope Andrew Holmes comes off as a gentleman? Kudos to him for being the voice of reason and truth. The other two are nothing, but miles of bullshit and nonsense.

9/17/2017 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any mention of the daddy?

9/17/2017 05:19:00 AM

There is an article out there that mentions "the parents". It shows the author(s) total lack of familiarity with the community.

9/17/2017 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget to investigate who used the stolen credit card for the room and who supplied alcohol and drugs to underage people. Since they want a Full open and honest investigation don't forget to investigate those things.

9/17/2017 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now the mob at the hotel is demanding authenticity verification by the fbi of the hotel's surveillance tapes. the mob say the tapes have been messed with. WTF?

9/17/2017 10:18:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The family hasn't even buried the girl yet and her Mother is posing with her legal team doing the leg work for the law suit.

9/17/2017 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahole Jamal green was there too. She was drunk and stoned. Pictures show her stumbling. She got Fd up and passed out. Mom blames everyone else but her as shecand the rest of the poverty pimps hunt for ghetto gold. Notice how the tribune has removed any ability to comment on the story. Rahm's paper needs to make white men who own the crowne plaza guilty of racism. These people have been so spoiled by obama and the democrats that they can no longer function. Mom is the fault with her bad life choices.

9/17/2017 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Wish they had this kind of motivation regarding black on black shootings! But that would be facing the truth. White america will never take certain groups seriously until they clean up their own house. Not happening yet.

9/17/2017 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to through life, 10-24.

9/17/2017 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Holmes actually expects people to take personal responsibility

9/17/2017 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why aren't they at work?

9/17/2017 10:45:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

They would learn more if they freeze framed the video.

9/17/2017 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


stupidity at its finest

maybe if the hotel offers FREE rooms for a year, the shakedown police will STFU

9/17/2017 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr freeze from the batman ages has come back for vengeance!!!

9/17/2017 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the polices put that freezer on her"

9/17/2017 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Truth-hammer said...

Yes, call in the FBI for freezer gone wrong.

9/17/2017 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, marching to FBI office on a Saturday ? Nobody's there except the guard in his guard shack. And he/she don't give a rats ass about a dumb pos killing herself by stupidity.

9/17/2017 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, threatening 30 days of protests. They will use up all their vacation days at their jobs to do this! Oh yea, thats right, they don't have jobs just mindless, endless time on their hands to disrupt working America! When is enough, enough?????

9/17/2017 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this incident happened in Chicago the first thing Superintendent would say on the fake news is that the police are being investigated by "IPRA" Copa was not in effect yet, don't you know. HA, HA
Chuck the" fuck" Goudie and the I team would be investigating the police too. HA, HA

9/17/2017 11:18:00 AM  
Blogger Birds&Blooms said...

Ironic. Liberals are whining hotel employees should have cared for her. Can you imagine? Babysitting hotel clerks.

What's ironic, let's say a 'white' employee tried stopping her. Liberals would then claim said employee was targeting a 'black woman.'

Alleged friends aren't cooperating with police. Nothing new here. Do they ever? Most likely, they're too worried their asses will land in prison for drug possession and underage drinking.

Liberals also claim the video was edited. SMH!
Mom is seeking the ghetto lottery. The American way. If judges had any balls, they'd toss these asinine cases out the window. However, they're more worried about votes. Do scumbags bother voting??
Unbelievable, all the way around. Hopefully, ghetto mama loses the case. Hotel stated they'd pay for funeral arrangements, but that isn't enough for the losers.

9/17/2017 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No surprise that the family quickly found a lawyer and a group to lead a march.
As if a video is going to tell the whole story.
Is Rahm going to lend out a COPA Team to follow up since the POLICE is dragging their feet?

When the major plaza hotel chains start denying these freak out parties to the young folk more protest and suits will follow.
Same I guess would apply to Dodge Charger/Challenger rental cars.
So just as the shooting that occurred at McCormick Place Hyatt in Jan 2016, the spontaneous party event had resulted in death where again, Nobody knows nuffin.

Bring back the partay short bus, at least there's no freezer or similar place for the geeked up to trespass.

If they rule this a drug/alcohol induced homocide, it will be the 3rd Rosemont murder since 2005.
Doubt they will.
No good can come to any town when Chicago's out-of-control overflow fans out beyond the border.

9/17/2017 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked area four Homicide for 15yrs of my life and saw at least 6 on the westside froze to death during the winter associated with drinking, drugs or bought. A friends step-dad was walking home from a bar during a sub-zero night in the northern burbs. and for whatever reason, just sat down. He fell asleep and froze to death. I've never tried it, but the Corner told me, if you have a large amount of alcohol in your system you just don't feel the cold until its to late.

9/17/2017 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Initially they began their march toward the ICE Agency Headquarters, until someone in the group told them what ICE stood for.

9/17/2017 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Replace all judges who give high bonds???

9/17/2017 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe destroying personal responsibility in the search for collectivist paradise wasn't such a good idea after all. Duh.

Will this be the case that makes people look at their lawsuit lottery tactics and say "Gee, we really DO look STUPID!"? You know, that moment of insight finally setting in to the dead minds that stroll through the day and night like the walking friggin dead?

I made a choice when raising my kids. After losing my best homie to speedball snakebite I chose to put the BRUTAL truth right to my kids their entire childhoods as it pertains to booze, drugs and this notion that "it won't happen to me" as a overall attitude. That it is the trifecta that, well, sees ya walk into a freezer, pass out and DIE because of yoru own stupidity.

Maybe more people ought to try that honesty with their kids. They might live longer.

9/17/2017 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP should demand the mayor to immediately fire her and make it very publicly known.

9/17/2017 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again the Bears suck.
They're a train wreck in slow motion.
How long until Fox gets launched? His win % is under .300

9/17/2017 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She searched and searched, until it was too late. She was looking for her true love, only an act of love could save her, after Queen Elsa froze her heart.

9/17/2017 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe investigate why there was underage drinking allowed within the hotel?

9/17/2017 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The family and "protesters " better be careful about they wish for. I hope there is a thoural investigation. Whoever rented that room and participatents could very well be charged. That poor girl should never have been given drugs, or alcohol. This will be intersting.

9/17/2017 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two rooms were paid for with a stolen credit card and identity theft. Will the fbi prosecute that?

9/17/2017 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was thinking it was a walk in closet to sleep it off?

9/17/2017 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unrestricted area , sounds criminal
Person that supplied drugs ,alcohol to a minor is responsible for her death .

9/17/2017 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like car trunks, soon large freezers will be required to have an open latch on the inside.

9/17/2017 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the elevator ride to the prohibited area,

A soft song was playing through the speakers,

It was Foreigner,

"You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price, I know
I've seen it before
It happens all the time
Closing the door
You leave the world behind"

9/17/2017 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When does a person's own responsibility come into play here ??

9/17/2017 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom of victim doesn't seem surprised the victim was using drugs .
who was in hotel room with her daughter , who supplied her with drugs , alcohol ?
what happened in room , why was a hotel guest looking in rooms that are for employees only , many questions need to be answered by friends in the hotel room , mother of victim .
was a stolen credit card used to rent rooms?

9/17/2017 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Me. Holmes is a just and good man. MaMa did not like the truth and called what is fact bull shit."


That may be so, but they still have not publicly released the video he purports to have seen of her trying doors, walking in the freezer.

9/17/2017 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

black lives matter even in freezer

9/17/2017 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't put Andrew Holmes in the same sentence with Lamon, JaMal, Jedidiah. He is not like any of the rest. If you think he is then you don't work in a fast District or you are a desk jockey.

9/17/2017 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holmes IS a very nice gentleman. I met him on a shooting scene in Little Village. He seems to be very genuine. You are right. Mom didn't like the truth and she dissed him. She's looking for a payout. And her friends? Well friends like that you don't need enemies.

9/17/2017 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Momma looks like a clown with her fake nails, cheap jewelry, circus makeup and ghetto clothes blaming everyone for her daughters poor life choices of friends and behavior. The death is on her and the cheap race hustler activists like Jamal should be kept out completely. They are just digging for ghetto gold by blaming the white man. We can thank Rahm, obama and the rest of the democrats for enabling and entitling these con artist money grubbing scum.

9/17/2017 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FBI is a group of commie infiltrators at this time.

9/17/2017 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Tribune has had at least 8 articles on this, but fail to provide a "comment" section on the incident. I'm sure if the rosemont cops were at fault there would be an open bashing on this.

9/17/2017 03:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.38 spl + P Love the crack about "Blasé" Cupich. Any other Catholics think he just put a big target on any Archdiocese of Chicago church/school/hall/rectory with his prohibition on weapons? I am a man of faith, but science as well. I believe the Lord will save me, but I'm not looking to meet Him anytime soon; prohibiting parishioners from carrying weapons invites the wolf to slaughter the lambs.

9/17/2017 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ghetto trash, $hitty parents, and simply greedy human being.

9/17/2017 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When investigating obvious natural deaths in the "community" I know going in there is a 90% chance the relatives will claim foul play. Because as SCC states someone must be to blame and maybe that someone has $. Normal people would want to believe their family member died somewhat peacefully of natural causes , not these assholes it was murder ! After the family viewed the video they stated she went into the freezer on her own. But the hotel is still at fault because they have $. Another lottery win for the "community". They already offered to pay for the funeral. It never ends with these entitled cradle to grave parasites.

9/17/2017 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't understand the family lost a đź’°đź’µ$$, she wud have if she hasn't already bred out at least 3-5 kids all presumably living off the government, all getting some sort of SSI or other form of SS, including insurance and housing and then no cost tuition. So tragically as it was where was mama and how come mama isn't blaming the so called "friends" that allowed her to get bombed out of her mind, how come mama isn't blaming the other sister who didn't keep an eye on her? These assclowns wondering around with their no justice no peace crap and hands up shit Yestrday was comical, hey morons u failed poor Keneka, police had nothing to do with it

9/17/2017 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Mr Record on probation or court supervision?

9/17/2017 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Lamon on some sort of Bail Bond or probation?

9/17/2017 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mama's leech lawyers will also sue the individual whose stolen credit card paid for this fraudulent hotel room.
It dat nitwit hadn't lost their credit card info, my baby still be alive!

9/17/2017 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't they show the desk video of the person renting the room with the stolen credit card? Maybe Mama could aid in the identification? Maybe it was her daughter? Wouldn't that be justice?

9/17/2017 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl was 19 and already has 2 kids? Who's watchin' them?
Waiting for the 'she's working her way towards an Accounting Degree' and needed a quick party to undo her stress.

9/17/2017 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ssc this reminds of a scene in the movie "goodfella's " when henry hill said "
5. When they found Carbone in the meat truck, he was frozen so stiff it took them three days to thaw him out for the autopsy"

maybe they are making a goodfella part II and she wanted to star in it

9/17/2017 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its director martin scorsese fault

9/17/2017 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm give the people 5 million dollars like how you gave LQMD alleged family

9/17/2017 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just like car trunks, soon large freezers will be required to have an open latch on the inside.

9/17/2017 01:14:00 PM

The hotel freezer did have a latch to open it on the inside.

9/17/2017 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the elevator ride to the prohibited area,

A soft song was playing through the speakers,

It was Foreigner,

"You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price, I know
I've seen it before
It happens all the time
Closing the door
You leave the world behind"

9/17/2017 01:45:00 PM

Psychic Stella says:


You stealing my thunder!!!!!!!

9/17/2017 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe investigate why there was underage drinking allowed within the hotel?

9/17/2017 12:35:00 PM

Maybe investigate why you, having no brains, use the word "allowed" in your not so subtle aspersional phony question.

9/17/2017 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Leonard Hamilton said...
Reality TV and procedurals are to blame. I had a cop tell me the worst part of his job was people watch CSI and then tests come back the same day. No they do not. Sorry for your loss but those were not her friends to let her wander off drunk in a hotel like that. We go in together, we leave together or we sleep off the liquor together and make it home safe.

Leonard you are correct on both points. That second one is very true as in my younger days I would sometimes be the one who needed true friends to get me home as sometimes I was the one to get people home.

9/17/2017 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"By the way, marching to FBI office on a Saturday ? Nobody's there except the guard in his guard shack. And he/she don't give a rats ass about a dumb pos killing herself by stupidity. "

Those empty suits only work 9-5 Mon-Fri.

9/17/2017 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Just like car trunks, soon large freezers will be required to have an open latch on the inside.

9/17/2017 01:14:00 PM

I'm sure that those are already required but you have to be conscious to open it.

9/17/2017 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was unarmed and she complied to the freezers order to "freeze". Dat freezer shouldn't have killed her. Pay me now

9/17/2017 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of all the stupid shit I've read the most mind-boggling is that someone is targeting the community for the black-market organs. Sooooo, I guess she was put on ice for harvest and This is the cover up.
I don't want to live amongst these people anymore.
Black Livers Matter?

9/17/2017 04:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"025th District

I am not one of these coppers who always thinks or says bad things about white shirts. In 025 the last two days, the commander has done an outstanding job in managing the crowds and car traffic from the Mexican independence day.

Also, having some cars as beat only and the wagon on North Avenue has worked.

Give the man credit when it is due."

Hey, Fat Tony, it's nice that you could take time away from barking orders on the radio to put a positive post on the blog about yourself! Hopefully the Superintendent heard and was impressed by your "leadership." With any luck, he'll promote your arrogant, micro-managing ass and send us a real commander.

- Sir Donkey

9/17/2017 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The family hired Sam Adams? Are you fucking kidding me? C'mon you know damn well the family cant afford this scumbags fees. Sam is the one Im sure who approached them and said Ill help you....yea right, you mean help himself to millions! Sure, he will sue for 5 million in which hell get 3 and mama will get 2 in which after taxes are taken out she will end up with 1 who ends up the winner, I ask??? Of course Sam Adams!

9/17/2017 10:00:00 AM

Even though it is commonly, and sarcastically, called the ghetto lottery, there is really no resemblance to a state lottery windfall, other than with a lottery win you are required to hand Uncle Sam approximately a third for taxes, unless you are wise enough to incorporate, and with the lawsuit proceeds you give the lawyer a third+, but pay no taxes.

9/17/2017 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't pay. No jury. Hotel should ask for bench trial. Case dismissed.

9/17/2017 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Momma looks like a clown with her fake nails, cheap jewelry, circus makeup and ghetto clothes blaming everyone for her daughters poor life choices of friends and behavior. The death is on her and the cheap race hustler activists like Jamal should be kept out completely. They are just digging for ghetto gold by blaming the white man. We can thank Rahm, obama and the rest of the democrats for enabling and entitling these con artist money grubbing scum.

9/17/2017 02:29:00 PM

You speak the truth! I was going to write, "you are on the money", but the mere mention of money might cause momma to hunt you down for her share of it!

9/17/2017 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Maybe these folks (or people) should just "chill out".

9/17/2017 12:18:00 AM

Oh noes you dinnint

9/17/2017 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about posturing and grandstanding for the inevitable lawsuit.

9/17/2017 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous 011 said...

I admire and respect Mr. Andrew Holmes.

9/17/2017 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not a big fan of rosemont or their any event good for them in standing up to these assholes.

9/17/2017 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fishin for the Ghetto Lottery...

9/17/2017 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Klan rented the room with a fraudulent credit card, the Police supplied the booze and weed, and the Nazis stuffed her into the freezer thinking it was a gas chamber.

9/17/2017 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That girl was MESSED up. That's not the hotel's fault, and it's not Rosemont's fault. It's her own fault and the fault of those who provided her whatever drugs/alcohol she consumed. Bad choices often have bad consequences. Quit blaming others for bad parenting and lousy life choices.

9/17/2017 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holmes is a good guy. He is not a race baiter like the rest of them. He is actually a good person with genuine good intentions, regardless of the race of the victim. He does not look at this as a black or white thing, he looks at it like a human being.

9/17/2017 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Holmes is just an extraordinary human being. He called it the way it was, now please do not waste anymore time on this. The girl made a bad life choice is right, the family should blame no one but themselves.

9/17/2017 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Momma had some 6 inch lighting bolt earings. Yikes.

9/17/2017 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Holmes is just an extraordinary human being. He called it the way it was. Now please, do not waste anymore time on this issue. The girl made a bad life choice is right, the family should blame no one but themselves. Most thinking people have their number, and know they just want a pay off! They have absolutely nothing better to do with their time/lives, other than cause havoc. Cut 'em off and move on.

9/17/2017 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Russians did it

9/17/2017 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor girl was fed illegal drugs by so called friends and allowed to leave room
what type of friends were they , does mama even know the names and address of friends that supplied the alcohol and illegal drugs

9/17/2017 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

investigate , charge and convict the person that contributed to her death by supplying the illegal drugs
maybe mama can sue that low life thug

9/17/2017 08:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/17/2017 06:22:00 AM
Blogger trix said...
The Sun Times should send their investigative reporters to the homes of all the partygoers. They will get to the bottom of this. Inquiring minds want to know...

9/17/2017 06:40:00 AM

The media should look into the Martin family and the criminal enterprises which they have been involved in for the past 30 years on the West Side.

9/17/2017 09:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Worked area four Homicide for 15yrs of my life and saw at least 6 on the westside froze to death during the winter associated with drinking, drugs or bought. A friends step-dad was walking home from a bar during a sub-zero night in the northern burbs. and for whatever reason, just sat down. He fell asleep and froze to death. I've never tried it, but the Corner told me, if you have a large amount of alcohol in your system you just don't feel the cold until its to late.

9/17/2017 12:10:00 PM

He's right, have seen this on three occasions. The booze fucks up your nerve system, and you fall asleep for good. It took almost a week before the person was thawed out.

9/17/2017 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to quit giving in to the 13%...

Do they ever accept any responsibility ?

Go Rosemont !!!

9/17/2017 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Can't blame Ghettonia.

9/17/2017 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make that five.

9/17/2017 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Respect this

9/17/2017 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosemont will do its investigation and the tox will come back with drugs and
ETOH. Every time one of these ghetto folk does something stupid and end
up at 2121 W Harrison street (CCMEO) the family looks for derp
Pockets for the big payday. Rosemont will not be swayed and I hope that the Crowne
Plaza does not roll over too. Nice they offered to pay for the funeral. No more !!

9/17/2017 10:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was po po's drop freezer

9/17/2017 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do Miss Cleao (Youree Dell Harris) have to say 'bout 'dis?

9/17/2017 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Through chants, group members said they were dissatisfied with hotel videos released by Rosemont police on Friday."

SMFH. Here again we have a typical example of no self control, no morals, certainly no personal responsibility, and gimme, gimme, gimme. Ma'am, condolences on the loss of your daughter, but rather than accusing others, shouldn't you be comforting other family members? If your 19 year old didn't have a clue about how to conduct herself, and was running with a crowd who'd leave her behind in the condition she was in, the blame lies squarely on her shoulders.

9/17/2017 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was just looking for a place to chill....

9/17/2017 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The credit card used to pay for the rooms was Stolen
This aspect of the case should be investigated

Everyone needs to wait until the investigation is completed
What did the Medical Examiner find in the tox screen?

9/17/2017 08:53:00 AM

It doesn't matter, The Police will arrest the person with the stolen card and the people responsible for the booze, drugs, grape and what not. But then these people will be sent to County Jail...where Dart will release them on Recog bonds... That is if they even get charged since Kimmy will refuse to charge them.....

It's still Crook County............regardless how honest the municipality or PD is.....

9/17/2017 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fyi - I dont think there would be any taxes due on a settlement.

9/18/2017 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both Lamon reccord and jedediah brown have shown up to protests outside the crowne plaza since wednesday night, they are expected to keep coming back everyday.

9/18/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a white male ghost that locked her in the freezer

9/18/2017 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She has 2 kids at home, must have a great husband to let her go out while he watches the children."


"Let her?" Please join us in the 21st Century.

9/18/2017 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just feel the need to point out that there are dumbass, privileged college kids drinking themselves into interesting deaths every week across America. I don't see much difference between a 19 year old that drinks herself into a stupor and finds her way in a freezer in Rosemont and a 19 who drinks himself into a stupor and enters an electrical closet at Purdue. Alcohol+youth often result in stupid things - usually we get away with it. Sometimes, we don't.

9/18/2017 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previously from Cuthbert

"...In addition, here's more bad news for you: The FBI 'ain't' gonna look at squat.
For one they can't, they don't have jurisdiction.
Secondly, they can only get involved if ASKED by the Rosemont PD.
And from what I've heard of them that'll happen when Hell freezes over..."


Rosemont NOT asking for the FBI's help-when Hell freezes over-Ha! you cracked me up with that one!

Can you imagine if this Death Investigation occurred in the unincorporated area of Cook County?
(That question wasn't a slam to the Sheriffs Police Officers)
But it is to Dart!
Dart would do anything to get media attention like a moth is drawn to camera lights, just to appease Mama Lightning Rod earrings, Jamal and the related cast of characters. Pizza anyone?

No Justice-No Peace they say...I dare the shitheads to start that bullshit in Rosemont!

9/18/2017 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Toxicology report will settle a lot of questions. Not for the fambly, who is looking to cash out from the hotel.

9/18/2017 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Maybe investigate why there was underage drinking allowed within the hotel?

9/17/2017 12:35:00 PM

You say it like the staff was there cheering her on. If you commit a crime inside your hotel room does it mean that the hotel allowed it?

9/18/2017 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Her husband let her go out' that absolutely hysterical. 19 two kids blah blah where have i heard this before.

9/18/2017 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will probably sue the owner of the credit card for renting the room...hahaha

9/18/2017 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Can't blame Ghettonia.

9/17/2017 09:59:00 PM

Ah Ghettonia! The luscious lands filled with the assortments of rocks, blows, and any other substance suspect "insert drug of choice here". A place where time and space don't exist; a place where the early risers are out of bed by noon; a place where there are no garbage cans. There's no need when the sidewalk provides ample space for your refuse; a place where libations are enjoyed from dusk till...dusk; a place where the library is rarely open, after all who needs a library when you can read all the labels on the bottles of booze at The Icehouse till 5am; a place where the circle of life is ever present from the early stages of packboy, to the late end of life stages of full blown hype; a place where money isn't necessary. It magically shows up to you in the form of an unlimitless card. Ah yes...Ghettonia. What a marvelous dream world.

9/18/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reads like a true who done did it crime novel. Kenneka Jenkins came from your normal and peaceful west side all American family. Raised to respect others and to follow the law. But then, suddenly, terror strikes the jenkins' family when Kenneka transforms into an ice-cube in this...chilling...murder mystery. Kenneka would never drink underage or use drugs yet a rosemont hotel conspires against the legacy that is Kenneka Jenkins, providing edited video of a drunken Kenneka stumbling by the scene of the crime. But why, why would a hotel she trusts and work for conspire against her. Kenneka's mom reacts with great restraint, only calling police "bastards." The plot thickens when the FBI gets involved when special agent Hairy Sack digs deeper he uncovers a conspiracy that will shake him to the core. A nationally-directed hit ordered directly from the president himself. Does agent Sack have what it takes to show what really happened to Kenneka or will he fall victim to the same shadowy figures that put America's sweetheart, Kenneka Jenkins, on ice?

This shit is so fucking ridiculous. I hope protests at the FBI building is the new norm. Enjoy it jagoffs.

9/18/2017 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It was a white male ghost that locked her in the freezer


Holy fuck I was laughing so hard at this one, thanks. "Alcall message: wanted for homicide in rosemont is a male white dressed in all white and levetating. Officers encountering subjects exercise extreme caution when getting hammered drunk and walking into giant freezers."

9/18/2017 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I imagine with all of the warm weather, they'll need refreshments for a long day of protesting. I have an idea, anybody have an Ice Cream truck?

9/18/2017 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Offender pictures revealed:

Go momma get him get his money, he is very cold and calculating!

9/18/2017 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the family is trying their damnedest to turn this into a heater case. the discovery of the deceased was only the tip of the iceberg, the evidence is only beginning to thaw and the Detectives are just getting warmed up, rest assured they won't let this case go cold.

9/18/2017 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She was thinking it was a walk in closet to sleep it off?"

Nah. One of her friends thought it would be funny to put her in and tell her to "chill out." But a lack of foresight caused it to go bad.

Nice for the hotel to offer to pick up burial expenses. Add a few $K for ghetto bling. But attach a Liability Release to it.

9/18/2017 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She has 2 kids at home, must have a great husband to let her go out while he watches the children."

"Let her?" Please join us in the 21st Century.

9/18/2017 12:26:00 AM

Better yet, husband is not used in the language of the lower socio-economic class as husbands are not ubiquitous. Now, had the original commenter written her fiancé, baby-daddy, side-piece, man, boyfriend or smash, he/she would have shown they were familiar with the "condition". As written, the commenter twice showed he/she traveled here from the 1950's.

9/18/2017 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should have learned from the mutt put down in Mt Greenwood. Counter protest and drive these mutts away. They are loud mouth cowards and don't like confrontations. Hold the line and push back! Fuck Them!!

9/18/2017 07:35:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

The protestors were already outside the hotel when I was leaving the gym I gonto after work. Luckily Rosemont police were working hard to eliminate them from going onto river road interrupting traffic

9/18/2017 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see the latest video? Fucking War drums! No shit, they brought fucking war drums. I'm glad Rosemont gets to see what they missed by not taking the city test. To bad we can't get a CTA non-stop to Rosemont every night from the west side.

The suburban Lib's need to see what they bought for their vote.

9/19/2017 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Holmes lied. He claimed to have viewed the surveillance footage that showed the girl "going into the freezer alone." That was a lie. The footage shows no such thing. At no point is the freezer nor the freezer door visible on any footage released.

9/19/2017 06:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Stilling waiting to see the footage from the camera above the freezer. As of right not all we've seen is Kenneka wandering the hall and kitchen. Her mother has every right to see her daughter OPEN the freezer, WALK into it and CLOSE the door behind herself.

9/19/2017 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A memorial to the girl who died in the freezer…..

Would an ice sculpture be inappropriate?

9/19/2017 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't blame them. Certain community groups have been conditioned for decades by their community leaders like Jessie J to believe that any unfortunate consequence of decisions and actions they freely make is somehow the fault of someone else. These communities have zero ability to be accountable for their actions.

9/19/2017 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She has 2 kids at home, must have a great husband to let her go out while he watches the children."

"Let her?" Please join us in the 21st Century.

9/18/2017 12:26:00 AM

Better yet, husband is not used in the language of the lower socio-economic class as husbands are not ubiquitous. Now, had the original commenter written her fiancé, baby-daddy, side-piece, man, boyfriend or smash, he/she would have shown they were familiar with the "condition". As written, the commenter twice showed he/she traveled here from the 1950's.
9/18/2017 05:17:00 PM

Naw, plenty of west siders, especially when they mature, claim to be married. Just not in the church and government sense.

9/19/2017 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

husband , she a sperm collector and he was a sperm donor
no love child just an extra few bucks from Uncle Sam for new nails , extensions

9/19/2017 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/19/2017 06:36:00 AM,

Why would you jump to the conclusion that Andrew Holmes lied? He was shown something that has yet to be released and commented on it. He is a good guy. He is not a race baiter or a liar. It seems you are a little jealous.

9/21/2017 03:41:00 AM  

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