Friday, August 28, 2015

No Vests for You!

  • The bosses at the Chicago Fire Department have just issued a particularly stupid and dangerous order:

    Chicago paramedics can't protect themselves by wearing bulletproof vests outside their uniform shirts, a policy that makes them all but unwearable.

    The city has been lucky in that no paramedic has been shot in the night violence of deadly neighborhoods. But the foolish order from Deputy Fire Department Commissioner John McNicholas is final.

    No vest.

    Paramedics pay for their vests out of their own pockets. And still, McNicholas' order stands, the department said on Wednesday.

    "So they've given me a direct order, no vest," said Patrick Fitzmaurice, a paramedic field chief who supervises 10 ambulances each night on the ultraviolent West Side, driving alone, many times first to the scene of anger and blood and guns.
Firefighters and paramedics do some thing we wouldn't do on a bet:
  • run into burning buildings
  • cut out the roof they're standing on
  • show up at shooting scenes with no gun and no vest
You can tell this boss must be a pansy of the highest order and probably never worked in the ghetto.  How about you negotiate something that looks decent, is easily differentiated from the police vests, and protects your paramedics? Or would that make too much sense?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

First take their bunker gear, now their vests.

What next?

Stick your head out of the rathole once every couple of months, Rahm. We want a response.

Where you be at? Eagle River? Aspen? Austin? Rauner Wine Club in Montana?

Same rotation as last summer -- and the summer before...

Scared s__tless, all 9 1/2 fingers of him...


You heard me.

8/28/2015 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this rule out wearing these vests at parties, restaurants,bars, barmitvaz golf courses. Wait they don't take their uniforms off. Probably afraid they'll ruin the vests. All joking aside if they buy their own why not.

8/28/2015 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They thought it was cute how McMeatHead pissed an unnecessary
bitch about over the shirt body armor for CPD and other such.

There are complete, tone-deaf and intentionally out of touch idiots
plugged into positions of leadership at Chicago's public safety departments
to make war against the men and women who serve.

8/28/2015 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous IN THE KNOW said...

No Vests?

No Brains!!

Just another shining example of stupid people in charge in Chicago.

8/28/2015 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't have everything... Still allowed to wear baseball caps, shorts & tattoos.

8/28/2015 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" easily differentiated from the police vests..."

Why? So the growing "turned-and-pulled-out-a-gun" crowd will be even quicker to shoot?

Can't tell an ambo from a squad, you are about Bell Curve #29 anyway...

Somebody stopping your worthless a__ from bleeding out right there, and you got some kind of sensitivity about attire? You with the bugs in your hair and your pants halfway down your butt?

What is the f__ing point here?

Someone else here was right. Call the United Nations Peacekeeping Force if you need something. You know, those guys with old rifles riding six-deep in trucks. They don't speak your dialect, but they do know how to stop trouble.

You will be praying for 911 in a very short time.

Son-of-a-bitch. I remember how glad we were, how safe we felt, when CFD started running those beautiful, modern ambulances in the '60s. PO5-1313, and FI7-1313, instead of calling some undertaker doing double duty with his old Cadillac hearse with no equipment other than a rubber bag.

F__k y'all. I mean it. Someone 'fended, stay away.

There is a limit.

8/28/2015 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depending on the code of honor of the bad guys that they will not shot a medic.

8/28/2015 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the CFD cared about their people, they would ISSUE vests. $500.00 every few years to protect a how many dollar investment? Fluorescent yellow vest covers with red FIRE in large letters. Lots and lots of pockets for their tools, radio, gloves, and all the miscellaneous they need. Make them so they do not look like the CPD or any of the SWAT teams. Bright colors, so they can be seen in traffic, smoke, and the dark of night; and it screams NOT A COP.

8/28/2015 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For crying out loud.

I've stood side by side with CFD when an thug acts like a thug.
CFD calls 10-1's often enough that 1 1/2 years ago the fire chief was on the news talking about the attacks on paramedics. Now his assistant says they can't have protective equipment.

Maybe the CFD IS as screwed up as we are.

8/28/2015 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or the CFD could just refuse to show up without CPD security. Some departments do that in the rough areas.

Might cause the homicide rate to go up in the thug bleeds out longer. It will cause more innocent citizens to die too. Heart attacks, injury, choking, and strokes. there are a lot of ways to die prematurely.

8/28/2015 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may be a stupid question, but what prevents them from wearing vests undershirt? Cop from a different region here (Maryland) where it's the norm.

8/28/2015 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its been going on since the 80s ,Stay Safe BIG FUCKING DEAL

8/28/2015 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next, they'll have to cover their tattoos.

8/28/2015 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been on many hot scenes with that guy. He's always standing right next to us getting his hands dirty.

F** these pussy a** administrators. Worst they have to worry about is falling out their desk chairs.

8/28/2015 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No body armor because the aggrieved ones are taking
offense that paramedics are seeking to protect themselves
from THEM?

Which career hidey-hole hack is responsible for this shit?

It's fucking counter intuitive and stupid.

8/28/2015 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Progressive Democrats do not want their voting base offended. THIS is more important than a fireman or paramedics life.

These are your politicians. Time to get rid of them.

8/28/2015 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Sgt.Saunders CPD (ret) said...

Fitzmaurice is a great guy and a supporter of the Police. I have seen him at several jobs and was always there to assist us "in any way we can". On a couple of those jobs the arrestee became violent and Fitzmaurice, well let's just say he didn't stand around with his thumb up his ass. He is a standup guy and we should support him in any way we can now.

8/28/2015 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This McNicholas sounds like a real pickle smoocher.

8/28/2015 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a vest be rendered useless, ignite or melt if exposed just once to the high temps of a fire?

8/28/2015 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a load of crap. Back in the day I remember a few Paramedics wearing actual Flak Vests when hitting calls in Cabrini Green.

8/28/2015 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no need to be proactive, let's just be reactive. When a Paramedic is shot to death or beaten to death; Then we will issue them vests! If they wear vests, people might get the impression that the City is not safe. Meanwhile the Mayor and his family have armed police 24/7, apparently HE thinks the City is not safe. Paramedics like cops respond hostile, volatile situations with crowds of armed "Democrats"; in the most dangerous parts of the City, any form of protection that helps them survive should be allowed. At least cops are armed, though if they use the weapon, they will be disciplined."G"

8/28/2015 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same as why can't those ghetto liquor store owners wear concealed body armor. Everybody should be allowed its use as long as its not criminal.

8/28/2015 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May be Rahms screwings with CFD too?

The short sleeve ,no hats and tattoos rule being enforced.

8/28/2015 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see, a big white and red amboolance, no guns, and this idiot boss thinks there whill be confusion as to their job.
Another pencil pusher without a clue.

8/28/2015 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the paramedics wearing vests. CPD should have officers detailed to firehouses. CPD seems to have officers detailed everywhere else. The officers would work a CFD schedule. Sign me up!

8/28/2015 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

clowns are in charge at the cfd now!!!!

8/28/2015 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look I agree they should ba allowed to wear them, it's ridiculous and just part of this liberal agenda of "can't offend black people even if it is the reality". See the earlier post about the copper saying mike brown deserved it. But let's get off our knees when it comes to CFD. Every scene I go to and they're there they are rude, arrogant, crabby assholes who act like I'm lucky to have them around. Not long ago I was in the apartment of an elderly woman with dementia. She was refusing to go to the hospital because she thought they wouldn't let her out. She was very sweet and it was quite sad. In rolls CFD and I'm explaining to the first engine on the scene the delicate nature of what's going on and the idiot with horns on his shirt blows by me and says "that bitch got us here so we're going to do what we do. If I have to I'll drag her out by her hair. I'm not spending more than 2 minutes up there!" I block him from the elevator, look right at him and explain "you touch her in any way I think is excessive and I will lock your ass up. Promise." Well he toned it down, everything worked out, and he tried to beef to the WC. It was quashed, but my beef to their IA got his ass launched to a south side house! They're assholes. I've a hundred rude CFD stories. Screw em

8/28/2015 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe CALEA has been conning the CFD since they're doing a snow job on McStreetlight!!
CALEA "standards" do not allow outside vests since it helps keep the officer comfortable. Officers - just wait, the new vest order is coming soon. Right after McDrunky realizes that there is no more gun registration in our city.

8/28/2015 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is complete an utter bullshit.

this citizen wonders how any of you can take it.

I wonder how the citizenry would react if every single one of you first-responders walked off the job?

8/28/2015 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not wear it under their shirt with the carrier it comes with so they don't look like police?

8/28/2015 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can sell our old vests, right. If a liquor store owner wants to buy it , we can sell it right.

8/28/2015 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on SCC!

Who would shoot a paramedic?
It's not like children are shot on school grounds or we [police] are exchanging gun fire with the church going public. Next you're going to tell me news reporters could get shot on live TV. Come on, if the shootings were that bad in Chicago, Chicago would be in the news all the time, our pervious Superintendent of Police would have allowed us to better arm our selves and Garry would be trying to make us look less like a deterrent for the notorious Cook County revolving door criminal court criminals. Besides, it's not like Spike Lee is here in Chicago doing a movie about the violence in Chicago. Oh SCC you crack me up.

What next, Chicago has a Catholic priest who looks like a he's right out of the 1950's, speaks like he actually was 'born a poor black child' and blames everyone else but those of his own flock for the violence? Or Chicago has more aldermen then NY or LA. And I bet they all walk out richer than when they went into office. I suppose they also get a full pension after just a couple of years too. Where as, we have to work 29yrs and a day to get 80%. I also suppose your going to tell me the reports here in Chicago print the addresses of fallen police officers or Cook County Criminal court system has the reputation as just being inept when its comes to prosecuting gun cases allowing those who commit crimes with a gun out the door almost as fast as they come back. Wow, what a fantasy or paradise for defense attorneys.

Come on SCC, if there were reasons to show concern for our paramedics the city wouldn't care about its OWN IMAGE and would allow our paramedics to wear vests. This mayor is a smart $$$$$ guy. The last thing he needs is a paramedic shot while saving the life of a Chicago citizen in Ravenswood. As if. That's like saying his son was mugged in front of their home. Thats just cra cra.

Then again maybe that is the point. Maybe the mayor is concerned about the image of the city because after all, the image of the city is a reflection his own.

8/28/2015 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder... How many overeducated clouted city colleged St Louis University goofballs it took to figure this one out? WOW

8/28/2015 09:20:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

There is the silver spoon police. This is a perfect example of a silver spoon fireman.. He probably never had to be in harm's way.

8/28/2015 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dickless McNicklous. What a moron. Way to think about your employees safety first.

8/28/2015 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone that's ever trained at the Fire Academy knows Deputy Fire Department Commissioner John McNicholas is a handjob!

8/28/2015 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Body armour for firefighters and paramedics should be mandatory .
paramedics & firefighters could wear a bright reflective body armour cover , this would also provide protection when assisting victims at traffic accidents .

8/28/2015 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the new paramedic outfits be a large red bullseye? This is off the charts balless bosses politicians who are out for first responders witch hunts! Really getting old get ready I just retired getting things printed I may March alone but you will see me soon around sacred ground city hall when do the good people finally say "enough" no wonder a real man that takes a stand like Donald Trump is surging making America great we need to make Chicago great again! Enough of the extortionists like Jackson father flakes and sharpton coming in to destroy taxpayers revolution maybe sick of this seriously! Who's with me?

8/28/2015 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get the vest in a nice WHITE color - differentiate from the Police that is usually dark blue or black. Have the ID flaps say "FIRE" or "PARAMEDIC" in bright RED letters.

Wear that damn thing, or just refuse to show up to the war zone.

How about filing a complaint with OSHA? Yeah, firefighting is a dangerous job, but they still get to wear respirators, gloves, boots, masks, coats, etc. to protect themselves from the hazards of the job as best they can. Why not paramedics? They get to wear gloves, face shields, masks to protect against all kinds of disease.

So why the fuck can't they wear a bullet proof vest when entering what's arguably a war zone in Chiraq?

Every paramedic and firefighter ought to file a complaint with OSHA. Their union ought to write it up, each individual ought to sign and file. Let OSHA lose their mind, and consolidate the complaints.

Then watch the CFD lose its fucking mind and do the right thing.

When the jagoffs in those neighborhoods stop acting as such, maybe the Firefighters and Paramedics can hang up the vests... but until then, tell the bosses to piss off.

8/28/2015 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CFD/paramedics wearing vests shows disrespect for the community. Appearances are very important.

8/28/2015 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy SCC, CFD aren't the nicest guys when it come to CPD. They love getting CR numbers on coppers

8/28/2015 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get the vest in a nice WHITE color - differentiate from the Police that is usually dark blue or black. Have the ID flaps say "FIRE" or "PARAMEDIC" in bright RED letters.

Wear that damn thing, or just refuse to show up to the war zone.

8/28/2015 12:12:00 PM

White vest?

A. Dirt! Never keep it clean.

B. Target.

Just leave them alone, let them have a presentable vest cover, F.D. navy blue or black, pretty close anyway.

8/28/2015 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not long ago I was in the apartment of an elderly woman with dementia. She was refusing to go to the hospital because she thought they wouldn't let her out."

8/28/2015 08:05:00 AM

She had a valid point there.

8/28/2015 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, maybe I'm missing something here.......but they aren't saying they can't wear them.
No one is "taking their vests away." No one is saying they can't protect themselves, they just have to be worn under their shirts.

That's a non-issue in my book. Wear it under your shirt then. If you want to look like a tactical geek, then cross over to the blue side and wear skinny jeans with a backwards hat and Molle vest on tact on the west side.

I can remember a time when CFD would wear vests and quietly conceal them under their shirt. Because it was about keeping themselves safe, and no one else had to know.

Just wait until the order comes out that says all CPD must wear their vests under the shirt- but of course no one will care then......

8/28/2015 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every paramedic and firefighter ought to file a complaint with OSHA.


Government employees are not generally covered by OSHA at all.

8/28/2015 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several years ago a relative was a suburban FF/ParaMedic got hired as a CFD paramedic. Gave him my old vest, carrier and all. One extra advantage of the carrier is that it keeps sweat away from the Kevlar. It keeps the vest serviceable even though it is past the warranty.

The vests [with reflective markings] should be issued gear to the FF/PMs but the city is too busy building a new Ferris Wheel, a stadium, improvements for a presidential library, and remodeling Midway Airport. Their response will be the mantra "We support our 1st responders but we have no funds!"

Sad thing is that there are federal grants for first responder body armor. Why hasn't any bean counter applied for that grant? Guess they're too busy chasing other revenue wagons.

8/28/2015 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We hear it where I work, 'Fire and Rescue is staging, advise when the scene is secure'. In the meantime some catered to constituent will bleed out waiting for the cops to arrive and secure the scene, but I suppose that's no great loss since they can vote from the grave in Crook County!

8/28/2015 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All leadership within this shitty are all brain dead democrats. Please remembeer this when you vote next time. The only thing that keeps these idiots in office is the black and brown, folks who are afriad they will lose a freebee.

8/28/2015 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You firefighter and paramedics used to have one of the most powerful unions in the city. What happened?

8/28/2015 03:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that paramedics for the CPD are not firefighters I believe. Pat Fitzmaurice is a great guy, tells it like it is and McNicholas is driving to be the commissioner of CFD. They have had some conflict in the past. I think that new firefighters are crossed trained.

8/28/2015 03:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mcnicholas has always allowed his firefighter only mentality ego get in the way of common sense.He was,and will always be a paramedic hater.He's from the old school firefighter mentality of the paramedics not really being "on the job"because they aren't in the opinion of like minded individuals,really on the job because they aren't firefighters.One major problem with that thinking is fire related calls are way down as the work of paramedics is way up to the point where many fire companies have paramedics on them.Go back to the air port where you came from mc Idiot!

8/28/2015 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a vest be rendered useless, ignite or melt if exposed just once to the high temps of a fire?

8/28/2015 06:21:00 AM

We are talking about vests for paramedics, not firemen, here.I'm not slighting the paramedics in any way but they don't go into burning buildings the firemen do. So you're a little off focus there.

8/28/2015 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city took the medics bunker gear because the city says it doesn't have the $$$ to replace the FF gear so they use the medics....true story!

8/28/2015 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not wear it under their shirt with the carrier it comes with so they don't look like police?

8/28/2015 08:51:00 AM

How would wearing a vest under their shirt make them not look like the police?
I am the police and I wear my vest under my work shirt.

8/28/2015 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the new paramedic outfits be a large red bullseye? This is off the charts balless bosses politicians who are out for first responders witch hunts! Really getting old get ready I just retired getting things printed I may March alone but you will see me soon around sacred ground city hall when do the good people finally say "enough" no wonder a real man that takes a stand like Donald Trump is surging making America great we need to make Chicago great again! Enough of the extortionists like Jackson father flakes and sharpton coming in to destroy taxpayers revolution maybe sick of this seriously! Who's with me?
8/28/2015 11:28:00 AM. I am, when and where????

8/28/2015 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the new paramedic outfits be a large red bullseye? This is off the charts balless bosses politicians who are out for first responders witch hunts! Really getting old get ready I just retired getting things printed I may March alone but you will see me soon around sacred ground city hall when do the good people finally say "enough" no wonder a real man that takes a stand like Donald Trump is surging making America great we need to make Chicago great again! Enough of the extortionists like Jackson father flakes and sharpton coming in to destroy taxpayers revolution maybe sick of this seriously! Who's with me?
8/28/2015 11:28:00 AM

Name the day, time and location. At least 6 months in advance so people can prepare. Then remind them every few weeks on here...

8/28/2015 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can one just refuse to wear a vest? Or just go as light as possible? Level I? Do they really check your vest? Never seen them check it at role call. How many way over expired vests on most of the watch..

8/28/2015 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see if we can strip these bad bosses at CPD and CFD
of their political protection.

Only then can we send them to the poor-house
or to prison for their shenanigans.

Funny notion of rank and file coppers and firemen being able
to spend these clowns pension money for them and section 8
their homes here and their vacation hidey-holes while they cry
at the corner tavern about who they "usedta" be and how it was
bullshit when the city and their clout ran and hid when the peons
managed to stick a gravel covered legal action where Sun refuses
to shine...

Fuckery can only stand at the table tossing 7's and 11's for
so long...

And when IT happens?
Watch for these traitorous whore-sons to
work their dentures about "Hey guys! We're
all in this together! Right?"

The fuck we are but nevertheless...

8/28/2015 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree that medics should be allowed to wear vests and that McNicholas is a clueless asskisser. That said this Fitzmaurice guy surfaces every few years whining to his media buddies. Last time Trotter gave him a black buggy and an exempt rank position as Dept. Inspector to shut him up and keep him off T.V. Suddenly every thing was rosy and the mayor and commissioner could do no wrong while the working stiffs were getting IR'd by this ass on a daily basis. He totally screwed up the exempt rank gig by smashing up multiple buggies and now that he is back on the street has returned to his whining self.

8/28/2015 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merit promotion at its finest.

8/28/2015 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The order to remove the vest came from the CFD Commissioner, right?
Why hasn't the Fire Commissioner backed his loyal servant?
Come back Kass, there might be more here.

8/28/2015 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This does not sound like Commissioner Jose Santiago, a stand-up guy and a real fireman. This will probably die when he hears about it.

8/29/2015 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wouldn't a vest be rendered useless, ignite or melt if exposed just once to the high temps of a fire?

8/28/2015 06:21:00 AM

We are talking about vests for paramedics, not firemen, here.I'm not slighting the paramedics in any way but they don't go into burning buildings the firemen do. So you're a little off focus there.

8/28/2015 04:09:00 PM>>>

Ummmm.... if the fire is close enough and hot enough to melt or ignite Kevlar the wearer is likely to be toast anyway. And I have seen paramedics go into buildings while a fire is still working, rare but it does happen. God Bless 'em

8/29/2015 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time for the 100 Club to initiate a fundraiser to provide vests for paramedics, firefighters and any first responder who feels it's necessary to wear one in the performance of their duties.let's be honest, there's plenty of lightweight models on the market that can Be worn under a duty shirt.

8/29/2015 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this rule out wearing these vests at parties, restaurants,bars, barmitvaz golf courses. Wait they don't take their uniforms off. Probably afraid they'll ruin the vests. All joking aside if they buy their own why not.

Don't forget the grocery store, hardware store, sporting event, and picking the kids up from school.

8/29/2015 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a vest be rendered useless, ignite or melt if exposed just once to the high temps of a fire?

8/28/2015 06:21:00 AM

We are talking about vests for paramedics, not firemen, here.I'm not slighting the paramedics in any way but they don't go into burning buildings the firemen do. So you're a little off focus there.

Aren't they cross trained?

8/29/2015 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wearing a vest (either over or under shirt) should be mandatory for CFD.

But then they would petition NOT to wear them. Oh, well.

8/29/2015 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McNicholas let his personal beef with the paramedics get in the way of safety, he took away their bunker gear and now they have no protection via breathing apparatus to go into the buildings. it is a shame that he thinks he is so high and mighty and thinks that firefighters are supreme. he has in the past at big major events wants nothing to do with the police . at the air and water show a few years back he refused to have his firefighters sit in the police command center saying they have their own. I am a firefighter and have relatives that are the police and mutual respect is needed. Just wit for the new Police- Fire training center gets built, what a struggle for power that will be.

8/29/2015 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>> Anonymous said...
Sounds like a good time for the 100 Club to initiate a fundraiser to provide vests for paramedics, firefighters and any first responder who feels it's necessary to wear one in the performance of their duties.let's be honest, there's plenty of lightweight models on the market that can Be worn under a duty shirt.

8/29/2015 12:25:00 AM<<<

Let's be honest! Wearing the vest under the shirt is just for looks now, not for concealment, not for comfort and not for convenience.

Think about the way paramedics and firefighters have their gear at the ready next to their rigs. Are they going to waste precious seconds even minutes fiddling with body armor and shirts while someone is chocking.

8/29/2015 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a dick.the chicago fuckery goes well beyond state the northwoods a few days ago,trying to find a radio station, WTMJ 620 came in clear and had this story on.every caller, and the radio host agreed that this asshole has no clue.the fucker ever been on the streets?Didn't think so.we may bust each others balls,but on the street we all know what's what.this asshole has probably been a house mouse his whole career,spewing directives and orders from his cubicle.

8/29/2015 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can the Chicago Paramedics feel the support from the brass? Do paramedics have the option of going to the bathroom instead of the ghetto when the shots fired, man down call comes in?
Do not provide services to those that would kill you. Your families want all of you home at the end of your shifts. There are people that appreciate you.
If the brass won't let you fight back, don't go!

8/29/2015 05:36:00 PM  

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